Fabio Gallo
Fabio Gallo
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Cited by
Predicting user reactions to Twitter feed content based on personality type and social cues
FR Gallo, GI Simari, MV Martinez, MA Falappa
Future Generation Computer Systems 110, 918-930, 2020
Reasoning about sentiment and knowledge diffusion in social networks
FR Gallo, GI Simari, MV Martinez, MA Falappa, NA Santos
IEEE Internet Computing 21 (6), 8-17, 2017
A desiderata for modeling and reasoning with social knowledge
FR Gallo, N Abad Santos, GI Simari, MA Falappa
XXI Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (Junín, 2015), 2015
Belief dynamics in complex social networks
FR Gallo, N Abad Santos, GI Simari, MV Martinez, MA Falappa
Simposio Argentino de Inteligencia Artificial (ASAI 2016)-JAIIO 45 (Tres de …, 2016
Local belief dynamics in network knowledge Bases
FR Gallo, GI Simari, MV Martinez, NA Santos, MA Falappa
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 23 (1), 1-36, 2021
A First Approach to Belief Dynamics in Complex Social Networks.
FR Gallo, GI Simari, MV Martinez, NA Santos, MA Falappa
AMW, 2017
The Big-2/ROSe Model of Online Personality: Towards a Lightweight Set of Markers for Characterizing the Behavior of Social Platform Denizens
GI Simari, MV Martinez, FR Gallo, MA Falappa
Cognitive Computation 13, 1198-1214, 2021
Representación del conocimiento de redes sociales y su dinámica
FR Gallo
Herramientas para representación y razonamiento con preferencias bajo incertidumbre
FR Gallo, MA Falappa, GI Simari
XVIII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2016 …, 2016
Procesamiento inteligente de flujos de datos vía sistemas argumentativos
JN Paredes, FR Gallo, GI Simari, MA Falappa
XXII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC 2016)., 2016
Quiénes somos
GI Simari, MA Falappa, M Budán, A Deagustini, JC Teze, F Gallo, ...
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