Examining the Adoption and Abandonment of Security, Privacy, and Identity Theft Protection Practices Y Zou, K Roundy, A Tamersoy, S Shintre, J Roturier, F Schaub Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020 | 95 | 2020 |
Localizing Apps: A practical guide for translators and translation students J Roturier Routledge, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |
How portable are controlled language rules? A comparison of two empirical MT studies S O’Brien, J Roturier Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI: Papers, 2007 | 64 | 2007 |
An investigation into the impact of controlled English rules on the comprehensibility, usefulness, and acceptability of machine-translated technical documentation for French … J Roturier PhD thesis, Dublin City University, Ireland, 2006 | 61 | 2006 |
Community-based post-editing of machine-translated content: monolingual vs. bilingual L Mitchell, J Roturier, S O’Brien MT Summit XIV Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
Qualitative analysis of post-editing for high quality machine translation F Blain, J Senellart, H Schwenk, M Plitt, J Roturier MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit [organized by the …, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |
Domain Adaptation in SMT of User-Generated Forum Content Guided by OOV Word Reduction: Normalization and/or Supplementary Data? P Banerjee, SK Naskar, J Roturier, A Way, J van Genabith 16th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Machine Translation, 169-176, 2012 | 38 | 2012 |
Source Text Characteristics and Technical and Temporal Post-Editing Effort: What is Their Relationship ? M Tatsumi, J Roturier Second Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop “Bringing MT to the User: Research on …, 2010 | 38 | 2010 |
Quality evaluation in community post-editing L Mitchell, S O’Brien, J Roturier Machine Translation 28 (3-4), 237-262, 2014 | 37 | 2014 |
Deploying novel MT technology to raise the bar for quality: A review of key advantages and challenges J Roturier The twelfth Machine Translation Summit, Ottawa, Canada, August …, 2009 | 32 | 2009 |
Improving the post-editing experience using translation recommendation: A user study Y He, Y Ma, J Roturier, A Way, J van Genabith Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation …, 2010 | 31 | 2010 |
Evaluation of MT Systems to Translate User Generated Content J Roturier, A Bensadoun Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIII, Xiamen, China, 244-251, 2011 | 30 | 2011 |
Domain Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation of User-Forum Data using Component Level Mixture Modelling P Banerjee, SK Naskar, J Roturier, A Way, J van Genabith Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIII, Xiamen, China, 285-292, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Assessing a set of Controlled Language rules: Can they improve the performance of commercial Machine Translation systems? J Roturier Proceedings of the 26th Conference of Translating and the Computer (ASLIB …, 2004 | 28 | 2004 |
DCU-Symantec submission for the WMT 2012 quality estimation task R Rubino, J Foster, J Wagner, J Roturier, RSZ Kaljahi, F Hollowood Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 138-144, 2012 | 24 | 2012 |
Foreebank: Syntactic analysis of customer support forums R Kaljahi, J Foster, J Roturier, C Ribeyre, T Lynn, J Le Roux Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
The ACCEPT Post-Editing Environment: a Flexible and Customisable Online Tool to Perform and Analyse Machine Translation Post-Editing J Roturier, L Mitchell, D Silva MT Summit XIV Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Systems and methods for detecting incorrect translations of terms in a computing string A Delaney, J Roturier, J Schinharl US Patent 8,311,800, 2012 | 22 | 2012 |
Using Automatic Machine Translation Metrics to Analyze the Impact of Source Reformulations J Roturier, L Mitchell, R Grabowski, M Siegel 10th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas …, 2012 | 16 | 2012 |
Translation Quality-Based Supplementary Data Selection by Incremental Update of Translation Models P Banerjee, SK Naskar, J Roturier, A Way, J van Genabith COLING 2012, 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 149-166, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |