Overview of radiomics in breast cancer diagnosis and prognostication AS Tagliafico, M Piana, D Schenone, R Lai, AM Massone, N Houssami The Breast 49, 74-80, 2020 | 287 | 2020 |
The spectrometer/telescope for imaging X-rays (STIX) S Krucker, GJ Hurford, O Grimm, S Kögl, HP Gröbelbauer, L Etesi, ... Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A15, 2020 | 211 | 2020 |
Deducing electron properties from hard X-ray observations EP Kontar, JC Brown, AG Emslie, W Hajdas, GD Holman, GJ Hurford, ... Space science reviews 159, 301-355, 2011 | 205 | 2011 |
Regularized electron flux spectra in the 2002 July 23 solar flare M Piana, AM Massone, EP Kontar, AG Emslie, JC Brown, RA Schwartz The Astrophysical Journal 595 (2), L127, 2003 | 110 | 2003 |
A hybrid supervised/unsupervised machine learning approach to solar flare prediction F Benvenuto, M Piana, C Campi, AM Massone The Astrophysical Journal 853 (1), 90, 2018 | 84 | 2018 |
Evaluation of algorithms for reconstructing electron spectra from their bremsstrahlung hard X-ray spectra JC Brown, AG Emslie, GD Holman, CM Johns-Krull, EP Kontar, RP Lin, ... The Astrophysical Journal 643 (1), 523, 2006 | 80 | 2006 |
Estimating the whole bone-marrow asset in humans by a computational approach to integrated PET/CT imaging G Sambuceti, M Brignone, C Marini, M Massollo, F Fiz, S Morbelli, ... European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 39, 1326-1338, 2012 | 74 | 2012 |
Feature ranking of active region source properties in solar flare forecasting and the uncompromised stochasticity of flare occurrence C Campi, F Benvenuto, AM Massone, DS Bloomfield, MK Georgoulis, ... The Astrophysical Journal 883 (2), 150, 2019 | 69 | 2019 |
Generalized regularization techniques with constraints for the analysis of solar bremsstrahlung X-ray spectra EP Kontar, M Piana, AM Massone, AG Emslie, JC Brown Solar Physics 225, 293-309, 2004 | 69 | 2004 |
Electron flux spectral imaging of solar flares through regularized analysis of hard x-ray source visibilities M Piana, AM Massone, GJ Hurford, M Prato, AG Emslie, EP Kontar, ... The Astrophysical Journal 665 (1), 846, 2007 | 58 | 2007 |
Anisotropic bremsstrahlung emission and the form of regularized electron flux spectra in solar flares AM Massone, AG Emslie, EP Kontar, M Piana, M Prato, JC Brown The Astrophysical Journal 613 (2), 1233, 2004 | 58 | 2004 |
Hough transform of special classes of curves MC Beltrametti, AM Massone, M Piana SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 6 (1), 391-412, 2013 | 56 | 2013 |
Compton scattering by the proton using a large-acceptance arrangement S Wolf, V Lisin, R Kondratiev, AM Massone, G Galler, J Ahrens, HJ Arends, ... The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 12 (2), 231-252, 2001 | 56 | 2001 |
Electron-electron bremsstrahlung emission and the inference of electron flux spectra in solar flares EP Kontar, AG Emslie, AM Massone, M Piana, JC Brown, M Prato The Astrophysical Journal 670 (1), 857, 2007 | 55 | 2007 |
Compton scattering by the proton G Galler, V Lisin, R Kondratiev, AM Massone, S Wolf, J Ahrens, HJ Arends, ... Physics Letters B 503 (3-4), 245-255, 2001 | 55 | 2001 |
The flare likelihood and region eruption forecasting (FLARECAST) project: flare forecasting in the big data & machine learning era MK Georgoulis, DS Bloomfield, M Piana, AM Massone, M Soldati, ... Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 11, 39, 2021 | 54 | 2021 |
Properties of the acceleration regions in several loop-structured solar flares J Guo, AG Emslie, AM Massone, M Piana The Astrophysical Journal 755 (1), 32, 2012 | 52 | 2012 |
Determination of electron flux spectra in a solar flare with an augmented regularization method: application to RHESSI data EP Kontar, AG Emslie, M Piana, AM Massone, JC Brown Solar Physics 226 (2), 317-325, 2005 | 51 | 2005 |
Hard X-ray imaging of solar flares using interpolated visibilities AM Massone, AG Emslie, GJ Hurford, M Prato, EP Kontar, M Piana The Astrophysical Journal 703 (2), 2004, 2009 | 50 | 2009 |
Interplay between spinal cord and cerebral cortex metabolism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis C Marini, S Morbelli, A Cistaro, C Campi, C Caponnetto, M Bauckneht, ... Brain 141 (8), 2272-2279, 2018 | 48 | 2018 |