Guillermo Vilanova
Cited by
Cited by
A mathematical model coupling tumor growth and angiogenesis
J Xu, G Vilanova, H Gomez
PloS one 11 (2), e0149422, 2016
Capillary networks in tumor angiogenesis: From discrete endothelial cells to phase‐field averaged descriptions via isogeometric analysis
G Vilanova, I Colominas, H Gomez
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 29 (10 …, 2013
Tissue-scale, personalized modeling and simulation of prostate cancer growth
G Lorenzo, MA Scott, K Tew, TJR Hughes, YJ Zhang, L Liu, G Vilanova, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (48), E7663-E7671, 2016
A mathematical model of tumour angiogenesis: growth, regression and regrowth
G Vilanova, I Colominas, H Gomez
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 14 (126), 20160918, 2017
Coupling of discrete random walks and continuous modeling for three-dimensional tumor-induced angiogenesis
G Vilanova, I Colominas, H Gomez
Computational Mechanics 53, 449-464, 2014
Phase-field model of vascular tumor growth: Three-dimensional geometry of the vascular network and integration with imaging data
J Xu, G Vilanova, H Gomez
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 359, 112648, 2020
Computational Modeling of Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis
G Vilanova, I Colominas, H Gomez
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-32, 2017
Computational modelling suggests complex interactions between interstitial flow and tumour angiogenesis
G Vilanova, M Burés, I Colominas, H Gomez
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 15 (146), 20180415, 2018
Full-scale, three-dimensional simulation of early-stage tumor growth: the onset of malignancy
J Xu, G Vilanova, H Gomez
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 314, 126-146, 2017
A numerical study based on the FEM of a multiscale continuum model for tumor angiogenesis
G Vilanova, H Gómez, I Colominas
Journal of Biomechanics 45, S466, 2012
Variational formulation of active nematics: theory and simulation
W Mirza, A Torres-Sánchez, G Vilanova, M Arroyo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.01515, 2023
Inverting angiogenesis with interstitial flow and chemokine matrix-binding affinity
A Moure, G Vilanova, H Gomez
Scientific reports 12 (1), 4237, 2022
Las ecuaciones del cáncer
G Lorenzo, G Vilanova, H Gómez
Investigación y ciencia 487, 54-64, 2017
Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of tumor angiogenesis
G Vilanova
Universidade da Coruña, 2016
Theory of active self-organization of dense nematic structures in the actin cytoskeleton
W Mirza, M De Corato, M Pensalfini, G Vilanova, A Torres-Sànchez, ...
eLife 13, 2024
Small-molecule TIP60 inhibitors enhance regulatory T cell induction through TIP60-P300 acetylation crosstalk
F Fueyo-González, G Vilanova, M Ningoo, N Marjanovic, ...
Iscience 26 (12), 2023
Active interfacial degradation/deposition of an elastic matrix by a fluid inclusion: Theory and pattern formation
G Cicconofri, P Blanco, G Vilanova, P Sáez, M Arroyo
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 191, 105773, 2024
Mechanisms enabling efficient fountain-flow supracellular migration
J Font-Reverter, A Torres-Sánchez, G Vilanova, M Arroyo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.11969, 2024
D Santos-Oliván, A Torres-Sánchez, G Vilanova, J Font-Reverter, W Mirza, ..., 2021
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Articles 1–19