Michelle Soares Pereira Facina
Michelle Soares Pereira Facina
Data Scientist and Researcher
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Cited by
Bit error probability for large intelligent surfaces under double-Nakagami fading channels
RC Ferreira, MSP Facina, FAP De Figueiredo, G Fraidenraich, ...
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 1, 750-759, 2020
Cooperative in-home power line communication: Analyses based on a measurement campaign
MSP Facina, HA Latchman, HV Poor, MV Ribeiro
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (2), 778-789, 2015
Large intelligent surfaces with discrete set of phase-shifts communicating through double-Rayleigh fading channels
FAP De Figueiredo, MSP Facina, RC Ferreira, Y Ai, R Ruby, QV Pham, ...
IEEE Access 9, 20768-20787, 2021
Emerging MIMO technologies for 6G networks
V Dala Pegorara Souto, PS Dester, M Soares Pereira Facina, ...
Sensors 23 (4), 1921, 2023
Performance evaluation of in-home broadband PLC systems using a cooperative MAC protocol
RM Oliveira, MSP Facina, MV Ribeiro, AB Vieira
Computer Networks 95, 62-76, 2016
A detailed relevance analysis of enabling technologies for 6G architectures
DGS Pivoto, TT Rezende, MSP Facina, R Moreira, F de Oliveira Silva, ...
IEEE Access 11, 89644-89684, 2023
Secrecy Analysis and Error Probability of LIS-Aided Communication Systems under Nakagami-m Fading
RC Ferreira, MSP Facina, FAP de Figueiredo, G Fraidenraich, ...
Entropy 23 (10), 1284, 2021
Large intelligent surfaces communicating through massive MIMO Rayleigh fading channels
R Coelho Ferreira, MSP Facina, FAP de Figueiredo, G Fraidenraich, ...
Sensors 20 (22), 6679, 2020
Disruptive 6G architecture: Software-centric, AI-driven, and digital market-based mobile networks
AM Alberti, DGS Pivoto, TT Rezende, AVA Leal, CB Both, MSP Facina, ...
Computer Networks 252, 110682, 2024
Centralized and Decentralized IDD Schemes for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems: AP Selection and LLR Refinement
T Ssettumba, Z Shao, LTN Landau, MSP Facina, PB Da Silva, ...
IEEE Access, 2024
LLR Refinement Strategies for Iterative Detection and Decoding Schemes in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks
T Ssettumba, Z Shao, LTN Landau, MSP Facina, PB da Silva, ...
2023 57th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 358-362, 2023
LoRaWAN Cattle Tracking Prototype With AI-based Coverage Prediction
AR Facina, LPJ Jiménez, MSP Facina, G Fraidenraich, ER De Lima
2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 1-6, 2022
The influence of transmission power and frequency bandwidth on in-home cooperative power line communication
MSP Facina, MV Ribeiro
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its …, 2015
Demonstration of open radio access network intelligent controllers
PRB da Silva, JPSH Lima, V Afanasiev, LHMSE Melão, MSP Facina
2023 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 1-7, 2023
Um protocolo mac de cooperaçao para redes plc
RM Oliveira, MSP Facina, MV Ribeiro, AB Vieira
Sum-Capacity of Massive MIMO Systems Using Vandermonde Matrices
CF Dias, MSP Facina, FAP de Figueiredo, ER de Lima, G Fraidenraich
Authorea Preprints, 2023
Implementação e testes do Virtual OLT Hardware Abstraction (VOLTHA) em redes SD-PON
L Martins, LGM Riveros, C Mineto, MSP Facina, GC Lima, LB Oliveira, ...
Anais do II Workshop de Testbeds, 1-12, 2023
Deployment e Testes de Controladores Inteligentes da RAN no Testbed do Projeto OpenRAN@ Brasil
PRB da Silva, JPSH Lima, V Afanasiev, MSP Facina, EC Alves, GC Lima
Anais do II Workshop de Testbeds, 50-61, 2023
Teste para validação do Virtual OLT Hardware Abstraction (VOLTHA) para gerência de redes SD-PON
L Martins, LGM Riveros, C Mineto, MSP Facina, GC Lima, LB Oliveira, ...
Anais do XIV Workshop de Pesquisa Experimental da Internet do Futuro, 7-12, 2023
Testes com Aplicativos de Controladores Inteligentes da RAN para o Monitoramento de KPIs e Slicing de Recursos de Rede
JPSH Lima, PRB da Silva, MSP Facina, EC Alves, V Afanasiev, GC Lima
Anais do XIV Workshop de Pesquisa Experimental da Internet do Futuro, 13-18, 2023
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Articles 1–20