Zahy Bnaya
Cited by
Cited by
Conflict-oriented windowed hierarchical cooperative A
Z Bnaya, A Felner
2014 ieee international conference on robotics and automation (icra), 3743-3748, 2014
Canadian Traveler Problem with Remote Sensing.
Z Bnaya, A Felner, SE Shimony
IJCAI, 437-442, 2009
Expertise increases planning depth in human gameplay
B van Opheusden, I Kuperwajs, G Galbiati, Z Bnaya, Y Li, WJ Ma
Nature 618 (7967), 1000-1005, 2023
A computational model for decision tree search.
B Van Opheusden, G Galbiati, Z Bnaya, Y Li, WJ Ma
CogSci, 2017
Multi-agent path finding for self interested agents
Z Bnaya, R Stern, A Felner, R Zivan, S Okamoto
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 4 (1), 38-46, 2013
Sources of suboptimality in a minimalistic explore–exploit task
M Song, Z Bnaya, WJ Ma
Nature human behaviour 3 (4), 361-368, 2019
Social network search as a volatile multi-armed bandit problem
Z Bnaya, R Puzis, R Stern, A Felner
Human 2 (2), 84, 2013
Volatile multi-armed bandits for guaranteed targeted social crawling
Z Bnaya, R Puzis, R Stern, A Felner
Workshops at the Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Revealing the impact of expertise on human planning with a two-player board game
B van Opheusden, G Galbiati, I Kuperwajs, Z Bnaya, WJ Ma
PsyArXiv, 2021
Bandit algorithms for social network queries
Z Bnaya, R Puzis, R Stern, A Felner
2013 international conference on social computing, 148-153, 2013
Repeated-task Canadian traveler problem
Z Bnaya, A Felner, D Fried, O Maksin, SE Shimony
AI Communications 28 (3), 453-477, 2015
Tonic: Target oriented network intelligence collection for the social web
R Stern, L Samama, R Puzis, T Beja, Z Bnaya, A Felner
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 27 (1), 1184-1190, 2013
Do people think like computers?
B van Opheusden, Z Bnaya, G Galbiati, WJ Ma
Computers and Games: 9th International Conference, CG 2016, Leiden, The …, 2016
li Y, Ma WJ. 2021. Revealing the Impact of Expertise on Human Planning with a Two-Player Board Game
B van Opheusden, G Galbiati, I Kuperwajs, Z Bnaya
PsyArXiv, URL http://dx. doi. org/10.31234/osf. io/rhq5j, 0
A fresh look at sensor-based navigation: Navigation with sensing costs
Z Bnaya, A Felner, E Shimony, GA Kaminka, E Merdler
2008 AAAI Workshop, 2008
Confidence backup updates for aggregating mdp state values in monte-carlo tree search
Z Bnaya, A Palombo, R Puzis, A Felner
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 6 (1 …, 2015
System and method for identifying contacts of a target user in a social network
R Puzis, R Stern, L Rokach, Y Elovici, T Beja, A Felner, Z Bnaya, ...
US Patent 10,866,998, 2020
Sources of suboptimality in a minimalistic explore-exploit task (vol 3, pg 361, 2019)
M Song, Z Bnaya, WJ Ma
NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 3 (4), 407-408, 2019
Modeling decision tree search in a two-player game
SB van Opheusden, G Galbiati, Z Bnaya, Y Li, WJ Ma
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2017
Backward reasoning through AND/OR trees to solve problems
J Olieslagers, Z Bnaya, Y Li, WJ Ma
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46, 2024
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Articles 1–20