Francisco de Assis Tenorio de Carvalho
Francisco de Assis Tenorio de Carvalho
Professor of Computer Science, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
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Cited by
Centre and range method for fitting a linear regression model to symbolic interval data
EAL Neto, FDAT De Carvalho
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52 (3), 1500-1515, 2008
Constrained linear regression models for symbolic interval-valued variables
EAL Neto, FDAT De Carvalho
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54 (2), 333-347, 2010
Clustering of interval data based on city-block distances
RMCR de Souza, FAT De Carvalho
Pattern Recognition Letters 25 (3), 353-365, 2004
Fuzzy c-means clustering methods for symbolic interval data
FAT de Carvalho
Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (4), 423-437, 2007
Adaptive Hausdorff distances and dynamic clustering of symbolic interval data
FAT De Carvalho, RMCR De Souza, M Chavent, Y Lechevallier
Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (3), 167-179, 2006
Holt’s exponential smoothing and neural network models for forecasting interval-valued time series
ALS Maia, FAT de Carvalho
International Journal of Forecasting 27 (3), 740-759, 2011
Forecasting models for interval-valued time series
ALS Maia, FAT de Carvalho, TB Ludermir
Neurocomputing 71 (16-18), 3344-3352, 2008
Dynamic clustering for interval data based on L 2 distance
FAT De Carvalho, P Brito, HH Bock
Computational Statistics 21, 231-250, 2006
New clustering methods for interval data
M Chavent, FAT de Carvalho, Y Lechevallier, R Verde
Computational statistics 21, 211-229, 2006
Fuzzy K-means clustering algorithms for interval-valued data based on adaptive quadratic distances
FAT De Carvalho, CP Tenório
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (23), 2978-2999, 2010
Partitioning hard clustering algorithms based on multiple dissimilarity matrices
FDAT De Carvalho, Y Lechevallier, FM De Melo
Pattern Recognition 45 (1), 447-464, 2012
Partitional clustering algorithms for symbolic interval data based on single adaptive distances
FAT De Carvalho, Y Lechevallier
Pattern Recognition 42 (7), 1223-1236, 2009
Comparative analysis of clustering methods for gene expression time course data
IG Costa, FAT de Carvalho, MCP de Souto
Genetics and Molecular Biology 27, 623-631, 2004
Proximity coefficients between Boolean symbolic objects
F de AT de Carvalho
New Approaches in Classification and Data Analysis, 387-394, 1994
Bivariate symbolic regression models for interval-valued variables
EAL Neto, GM Cordeiro, FDAT De Carvalho
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 81 (11), 1727-1744, 2011
Dynamic clustering of histogram data based on adaptive squared Wasserstein distances
A Irpino, R Verde, FAT De Carvalho
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (7), 3351-3366, 2014
A new method to fit a linear regression model for interval-valued data
FAT de Carvalho, EA Lima Neto, CP Tenorio
KI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 27th Annual German Conference …, 2004
Unsupervised pattern recognition models for mixed feature-type symbolic data
FAT de Carvalho, RMCR de Souza
Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (5), 430-443, 2010
A symbolic approach for content-based information filtering
BLD Bezerra, FAT de Carvalho
Information Processing Letters 92 (1), 45-52, 2004
Dynamic clustering of interval-valued data based on adaptive quadratic distances
FAT de Carvalho, Y Lechevallier
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2009
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Articles 1–20