Gregor Lämmel
Gregor Lämmel
MoveFlow Technologies
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The representation and implementation of time-dependent inundation in large-scale microscopic evacuation simulations
G Lämmel, D Grether, K Nagel
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 18 (1), 84-98, 2010
" Last-Mile" preparation for a potential disaster–Interdisciplinary approach towards tsunami early warning and an evacuation information system for the coastal city of Padang …
H Taubenböck, N Goseberg, N Setiadi, G Lämmel, F Moder, M Oczipka, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (4), 1509-1528, 2009
Bidirectional pedestrian fundamental diagram
G Flötteröd, G Lämmel
Transportation research part B: methodological 71, 194-212, 2015
Risk reduction at the “Last-Mile”: an attempt to turn science into action by the example of Padang, Indonesia
H Taubenböck, N Goseberg, G Lämmel, N Setiadi, T Schlurmann, ...
Natural hazards 65, 915-945, 2013
Emergency preparedness in the case of a tsunami—Evacuation analysis and traffic optimization for the Indonesian city of Padang
G Lämmel, M Rieser, K Nagel, H Taubenböck, G Strunz, N Goseberg, ...
Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics 2008, 171-182, 2010
The MATSim network flow model for traffic simulation adapted to large-scale emergency egress and an application to the evacuation of the Indonesian city of Padang in case of a …
G Lämmel, H Klüpfel, K Nagel
Pedestrian behavior, 245-265, 2009
A mesoscopic model for large-scale simulation of pedestrian dynamics
A Tordeux, G Lämmel, FS Hänseler, B Steffen
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 93, 128-147, 2018
Large scale microscopic evacuation simulation
G Lämmel, M Rieser, K Nagel
Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics 2008, 547-553, 2009
Modeling Seepage Behavior of Smaller Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Conditions Using an Agent Based Simulation
A Agarwal, G Lämmel
Transportation in Developing Economies 2 (2), 1--12, 2016
Multidestination pedestrian flows in equilibrium: a cellular automaton‐based approach
L Crociani, G Lämmel
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 31 (6), 432-448, 2016
A review of pedestrian flow characteristics and level of service over different pedestrian facilities
A Banerjee, AK Maurya, G Lämmel
Collective Dynamics 3, 1-52, 2018
Towards system optimum: Finding optimal routing strategies in time-dependent networks for large-scale evacuation problems
G Lämmel, G Flötteröd
Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 532-539, 2009
Multi-scale simulation for crowd management: a case study in an urban scenario
L Crociani, G Lämmel, G Vizzari
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: AAMAS 2016 Workshops, Best Papers …, 2016
JuPedSim: an open framework for simulating and analyzing the dynamics of pedestrians
AUK Wagoum, M Chraibi, J Zhang, G Lämmel
3rd Conference of Transportation Research Group of India 12, 2015
Escaping the tsunami: evacuation strategies for large urban areas concepts and implementation of a multi-agent based approach
G Lämmel
Bottlenecks and congestion in evacuation scenarios: A microscopic evacuation simulation for large-scale disasters
G Lämmel, M Rieser, K Nagel
Proc. of 7th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS …, 2008
Getting out of the way: Collision-avoiding pedestrian models compared to the realworld
G Lämmel, M Plaue
Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics 2012, 1275-1289, 2014
Exploiting past experience–case-based decision support for soccer agents
R Berger, G Lämmel
KI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 30th Annual German Conference …, 2007
Hybrid multimodal and intermodal transport simulation: Case study on large-scale evacuation planning
G Lämmel, M Chraibi, AUK Wagoum, B Steffen
Transportation Research Record 2561 (1), 1-8, 2016
Pedestrian flow characteristics and level of service on dissimilar facilities: A critical review
A Banerjee, AK Maurya, G Lämmel
Collective Dynamics 3, 2018
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Articles 1–20