Francesco Dessì-Fulgheri
Francesco Dessì-Fulgheri
Prof. of Ethology, University of Firenze - Retired
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Endocrine disrupters: a review of some sources, effects, and mechanisms of actions on behaviour and neuroendocrine systems
C Frye, E Bo, G Calamandrei, L Calza, F Dessì‐Fulgheri, M Fernández, ...
Journal of neuroendocrinology 24 (1), 144-159, 2012
Effects of perinatal exposure to bisphenol A on sociosexual behavior of female and male rats.
F Farabollini, S Porrini, D Della Seta, F Bianchi, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Environmental Health Perspectives 110 (suppl 3), 409-414, 2002
Effects of perinatal exposure to bisphenol A on play behavior of female and male juvenile rats.
F Dessì-Fulgheri, S Porrini, F Farabollini
Environmental health perspectives 110 (suppl 3), 403-407, 2002
Altered profiles of spontaneous novelty seeking, impulsive behavior, and response to D-amphetamine in rats perinatally exposed to bisphenol A.
W Adriani, DD Seta, F Dessì-Fulgheri, F Farabollini, G Laviola
Environmental health perspectives 111 (4), 395-401, 2003
Bisphenol-A exposure during pregnancy and lactation affects maternal behavior in rats
D Della Seta, I Minder, F Dessì-Fulgheri, F Farabollini
Brain research bulletin 65 (3), 255-260, 2005
Early exposure to a low dose of bisphenol A affects socio-sexual behavior of juvenile female rats
S Porrini, V Belloni, D Della Seta, F Farabollini, G Giannelli, ...
Brain research bulletin 65 (3), 261-266, 2005
Pubertal exposure to estrogenic chemicals affects behavior in juvenile and adult male rats
D Della Seta, I Minder, V Belloni, AM Aloisi, F Dessì-Fulgheri, ...
Hormones and behavior 50 (2), 301-307, 2006
Mate choice in the grey partridge, Perdix perdix: role of physical and behavioural male traits
L Beani, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Animal Behaviour 49 (2), 347-356, 1995
Early exposure to low doses of atrazine affects behavior in juvenile and adult CD1 mice
V Belloni, F Dessì-Fulgheri, M Zaccaroni, E Di Consiglio, G De Angelis, ...
Toxicology 279 (1-3), 19-26, 2011
Introgression of chukar genes into a reintroduced red‐legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) population in central Italy
M Baratti, M Ammannati, C Magnelli, F Dessì‐Fulgheri
Animal Genetics 36 (1), 29-35, 2005
Testosterone affects the acoustic structure of the male call in the grey partridge (Perdix perdix)
L Fusani, L Beani, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Behaviour, 301-310, 1994
The endocrine disruptor atrazine accounts for a dimorphic somatostatinergic neuronal expression pattern in mice
G Giusi, RM Facciolo, M Canonaco, E Alleva, V Belloni, F Dessi'-Fulgheri, ...
Toxicological Sciences 89 (1), 257-264, 2006
Anti-predator behaviour of captive Grey partridges (Perdix perdix)
L Beani, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 10 (2), 185-196, 1998
Testosterone aromatization in rat brain is modulated by social environment
CL Di Prisco, N Lucarini, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Physiology & Behavior 20 (3), 345-348, 1978
Conflicts induce affiliative interactions among bystanders in a tolerant species of macaque (Macaca tonkeana)
A De Marco, R Cozzolino, F Dessì-Fulgheri, B Thierry
Animal Behaviour 80 (2), 197-203, 2010
Sexually selected vigilance behaviour of the grey partridge is affected by plasma androgen levels
L Fusani, L Beani, C Lupo, F DESSÌ-FULGHERI
Animal Behaviour 54 (4), 1013-1018, 1997
Early cerebral activities of the environmental estrogen bisphenol A appear to act via the somatostatin receptor subtype sst (2).
RM Facciolo, R Alò, M Madeo, M Canonaco, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Environmental health perspectives 110 (suppl 3), 397-402, 2002
The trap of sex in social insects: from the female to the male perspective
L Beani, F Dessì-Fulgheri, F Cappa, A Toth
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 46, 519-533, 2014
Testosterone-induced changes of call structure, midbrain and syrinx anatomy in partridges
L Beani, G Panzica, F Briganti, P Persichella, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Physiology & Behavior 58 (6), 1149-1157, 1995
Relationships between testosterone metabolism in the brain, other endocrine variables and intermale aggression in mice
F Dessi‐Fulgheri, N Lucarini, CL Di Prisco
Aggressive Behavior 2 (3), 223-231, 1976
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