shoji itakura
shoji itakura
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Synchrony in the onset of mental-state reasoning: Evidence from five cultures
T Callaghan, P Rochat, A Lillard, ML Claux, H Odden, S Itakura, ...
Psychological Science 16 (5), 378-384, 2005
Developmental correspondence between action prediction and motor ability in early infancy
Y Kanakogi, S Itakura
Nature communications 2 (1), 341, 2011
Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed-speech preference
ManyBabies Consortium
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (1), 24-52, 2020
Development of an android robot for studying human-robot interaction
T Minato, M Shimada, H Ishiguro, S Itakura
Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 17th International …, 2004
An exploratory study of gaze‐monitoring in nonhuman primates1
S Itakura
Japanese Psychological Research 38 (3), 174-180, 1996
Use of experimenter-given cues during object-choice tasks by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), an orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), and human infants (Homo sapiens).
S Itakura, M Tanaka
Journal of comparative psychology 112 (2), 119, 1998
Measuring empathy for human and robot hand pain using electroencephalography
Y Suzuki, L Galli, A Ikeda, S Itakura, M Kitazaki
Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-9, 2015
Chimpanzee use of human and conspecific social cues to locate hidden food
S Itakura, B Agnetta, B Hare, M Tomasello
Developmental Science 2 (4), 448-456, 1999
East–West cultural differences in context‐sensitivity are evident in early childhood
T Imada, SM Carlson, S Itakura
Developmental Science 16 (2), 198-208, 2013
Cultural display rules drive eye gaze during thinking
A McCarthy, K Lee, S Itakura, DW Muir
Journal of cross-cultural psychology 37 (6), 717-722, 2006
The role of the right prefrontal cortex in self-evaluation of the face: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
T Morita, S Itakura, DN Saito, S Nakashita, T Harada, T Kochiyama, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 20 (2), 342-355, 2008
How the eyes, head and hand serve definite reference
G Butterworth, S Itakura
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 18 (1), 25-50, 2000
Development of cultural strategies of attention in North American and Japanese children
S Duffy, R Toriyama, S Itakura, S Kitayama
Journal of experimental child psychology 102 (3), 351-359, 2009
Assessing human likeness by eye contact in an android testbed
KF MacDorman, T Minato, M Shimada, S Itakura, S Cowley, H Ishiguro
Proceedings of the XXVII annual meeting of the cognitive science society, 21-23, 2005
Rudimentary sympathy in preverbal infants: preference for others in distress
Y Kanakogi, Y Okumura, Y Inoue, M Kitazaki, S Itakura
PloS one 8 (6), e65292, 2013
Learning to use experimenter-given cues during an object-choice task by a capuchin monkey.
S Itakura, JR Anderson
Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 1996
Bilingualism accentuates children's conversational understanding
M Siegal, L Surian, A Matsuo, A Geraci, L Iozzi, Y Okumura, S Itakura
PloS one 5 (2), e9004, 2010
A robot is not worth another: Exploring children’s mental state attribution to different humanoid robots
F Manzi, G Peretti, C Di Dio, A Cangelosi, S Itakura, T Kanda, H Ishiguro, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 2011, 2020
How to build an intentional android: Infants' imitation of a robot's goal‐directed actions
S Itakura, H Ishida, T Kanda, Y Shimada, H Ishiguro, K Lee
Infancy 13 (5), 519-532, 2008
Mirror guided behavior in Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata fuscata)
S Itakura
Primates 28, 149-161, 1987
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Articles 1–20