Pamela McCauley
Pamela McCauley
Dean School of Engineering, Widener University
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Work-related musculoskeletal disorders assessment and prevention
IL Nunes, PMC Bush
Ergonomics-A Systems Approach 1 (5), 2012
Occupational postural activity and lower extremity discomfort: A review
CR Reid, PMC Bush, W Karwowski, SK Durrani
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 40 (3), 247-256, 2010
A review of occupational knee disorders
CR Reid, PMC Bush, NH Cummings, DL McMullin, SK Durrani
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 20, 489-501, 2010
Ergonomics: foundational principles, applications, and technologies
P McCauley-Bush
CRC Press, 2011
Engineering leadership development programs: A look at what is needed and what is being done
L Crumpton-Young, P McCauley-Bush, L Rabelo, K Meza, A Ferreras, ...
Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 11 (3), 2010
Evaluation of the human impact of password authentication practices on information security
DS Carstens, PR McCauley-Bell, LC Malone, RF DeMara
Informing Science 7, 2004
Fuzzy modeling and analytic hierarchy processing to quantify risk levels associated with occupational injuries. I. The development of fuzzy-linguistic risk levels
P McCauley-Bell, AB Badiru
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 4 (2), 124-131, 1996
Emissions from US waste collection vehicles
MA Maimoun, DR Reinhart, FT Gammoh, PMC Bush
Waste management 33 (5), 1079-1089, 2013
A fuzzy linguistic model for the prediction of carpal tunnel syndrome risks in an occupational environment
PMC Bell, L Crumpton
Ergonomics 40 (8), 790-799, 1997
Fuzzy modeling and analytic hierarchy processing-means to quantify risk levels associated with occupational injuries. II. The development of a fuzzy rule-based model for the …
P McCauley-Bell, AB Badiru
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 4 (2), 132-138, 1996
An evaluation of municipal solid waste composition bias sources
H Sfeir, DR Reinhart, PR McCauley-Bell
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 49 (9), 1096-1102, 1999
Ergonomics: A Systems Approach
IL Nunes
BoD–Books on Demand, 2012
Case study: an evaluation of restaurant noise levels and contributing factors
CF Rusnock, PMC Bush
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 9 (6), D108-D113, 2012
Municipal solid waste composition studies
P McCauley-Bell, DR Reinhart, H Sfeir, BOT Ryan
Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management 1 …, 1997
Applying chunking theory in organizational password guidelines.
DS Carstens, LC Malone
Journal of Information, Information Technology & Organizations 1, 2006
Ergonomics in virtual environments
Handbook of Virtual Environments, 847-866, 2002
Intelligent agent characterization and uncertainty management with fuzzy set theory: a tool to support early supplier integration
P McCauley-Bell
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 10, 135-147, 1999
Measurement of cumulative trauma disorder risk in clerical tasks using fuzzy linear regression
PR McCauley-Bell, LL Crumpton, H Wang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 1999
The human factors issues in information security: What are they and do they matter?
PR McCauley-Bell, LL Crumpton
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 42 (4 …, 1998
Transforming your STEM career through leadership and innovation: Inspiration and strategies for women
P McCauley-Bush
Elsevier, 2013
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Articles 1–20