Yukai Zhao
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Cited by
Schizophrenia susceptibility gene dysbindin regulates glutamatergic and dopaminergic functions via distinctive mechanisms in Drosophila
L Shao, Y Shuai, J Wang, S Feng, B Lu, Z Li, Y Zhao, L Wang, Y Zhong
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (46), 18831-18836, 2011
Assessing the detailed time course of perceptual sensitivity change in perceptual learning
P Zhang, Y Zhao, BA Dosher, ZL Lu
Journal of Vision 19 (5), 9-9, 2019
Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of contrast sensitivity functions in a within-subject design
Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, F Hou, ZL Lu
Journal of Vision 21 (12), 9-9, 2021
Efficient assessment of the time course of perceptual sensitivity change
Y Zhao, L Lesmes, ZL Lu
Vision Research 154, 21-43, 2019
Quantifying Uncertainty of the Estimated Visual Acuity Behavioral Function With Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling
Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, D Michael, ZL Lu
Translational vision science & technology 10 (12), 18-18, 2021
Evaluating the performance of the staircase and quick Change Detection methods in measuring perceptual learning
P Zhang, Y Zhao, BA Dosher, ZL Lu
Journal of Vision 19 (7), 14-14, 2019
The quick Change Detection method: Bayesian adaptive assessment of the time course of perceptual sensitivity change
Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, ZL Lu
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 58 (8), 5633-5633, 2017
Psychophysical validation of a novel active learning approach for measuring the visual acuity behavioral function
Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, M Dorr, PJ Bex, ZL Lu
Translational vision science & technology 10 (1), 1-1, 2021
Bayesian adaptive assessment of the reading function for vision: the qReading method
F Hou, Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, P Bex, D Yu, ZL Lu
Journal of Vision 18 (9), 6-6, 2018
Symmetry of generalized rivalry network models determines patterns of interocular grouping in four-location binocular rivalry
M Golubitsky, Y Zhao, Y Wang, ZL Lu
Journal of Neurophysiology 122 (5), 1989-1999, 2019
Collective endpoint of visual acuity and contrast sensitivity function from hierarchical Bayesian joint modeling
Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, M Dorr, ZL Lu
Journal of Vision 23 (6), 13-13, 2023
视力表的历史, 现状与发展趋势
曹苏琪, 赵宇锴, 侯方, 黄昌兵, 周佳玮, 吕忠林, 瞿佳
中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志 23 (10), 721-727, 2021
Enabling identification of component processes in perceptual learning with nonparametric hierarchical Bayesian modeling
Y Zhao, J Liu, BA Dosher, ZL Lu
Journal of Vision 24 (5), 8-8, 2024
Predicting contrast sensitivity functions with digital twins generated by Hierarchical Bayesian modelling
ZL Lu, Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, M Dorr
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63 (7), 2328-2328, 2022
Evaluating the performance of the staircase and quick change detection methods in measuring perceptual learning
ZL Lu, P Zhang, Y Zhao, B Dosher
Journal of Vision 18 (10), 256-256, 2018
Estimating the trial-by-trial learning curve in perceptual learning with hierarchical bayesian modeling
Y Zhao, J Liu, BA Dosher, ZL Lu
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 8 (4), 346-363, 2024
Predicting contrast sensitivity functions with digital twins
Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, M Dorr, ZL Lu
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 24100, 2024
Non-parametric hierarchical Bayesian modeling of the contrast sensitivity function
Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, M Dorr, ZL Lu
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 5312-5312, 2023
Non-parametric hierarchical Bayesian modeling enables statistical inference on contrast sensitivity at individual spatial frequencies
Y Zhao, LA Lesmes, M Dorr, ZL Lu
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64 (8), 4988-4988, 2023
Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of training accuracy and feedback interaction in perceptual learning
Y Zhao, J Liu, BA Dosher, ZL Lu
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2214-2214, 2021
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Articles 1–20