Vincenzo Catrambone
Vincenzo Catrambone
Universitą di Pisa, Research Center Enrico Piaggio
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Cardiac sympathetic-vagal activity initiates a functional brain–body response to emotional arousal
D Candia-Rivera, V Catrambone, JF Thayer, C Gentili, G Valenza
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (21), e2119599119, 2022
The role of electroencephalography electrical reference in the assessment of functional brain–heart interplay: From methodology to user guidelines
D Candia-Rivera, V Catrambone, G Valenza
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 360, 109269, 2021
Time-resolved directional brain–heart interplay measurement through synthetic data generation models
V Catrambone, A Greco, N Vanello, EP Scilingo, G Valenza
Annals of biomedical engineering 47, 1479-1489, 2019
Lateralization of directional brain-heart information transfer during visual emotional elicitation
A Greco, L Faes, V Catrambone, R Barbieri, EP Scilingo, G Valenza
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2019
Intensification of functional neural control on heartbeat dynamics in subclinical depression
V Catrambone, S Messerotti Benvenuti, C Gentili, G Valenza
Translational Psychiatry 11 (1), 221, 2021
Functional assessment of bidirectional cortical and peripheral neural control on heartbeat dynamics: A brain-heart study on thermal stress
D Candia-Rivera, V Catrambone, R Barbieri, G Valenza
NeuroImage 251, 119023, 2022
Functional brain–heart interplay extends to the multifractal domain
V Catrambone, R Barbieri, H Wendt, P Abry, G Valenza
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2212), 20200260, 2021
U-Limb: A multi-modal, multi-center database on arm motion control in healthy and post-stroke conditions
G Averta, F Barontini, V Catrambone, S Haddadin, G Handjaras, ...
GigaScience 10 (6), giab043, 2021
On the time-invariance properties of upper limb synergies
G Averta, G Valenza, V Catrambone, F Barontini, EP Scilingo, A Bicchi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 27 (7 …, 2019
Functional linear and nonlinear brain–heart interplay during emotional video elicitation: A maximum information coefficient study
V Catrambone, A Greco, EP Scilingo, G Valenza
Entropy 21 (9), 892, 2019
Predicting object-mediated gestures from brain activity: an EEG study on gender differences
V Catrambone, A Greco, G Averta, M Bianchi, G Valenza, EP Scilingo
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 27 (3 …, 2019
Integral pulse frequency modulation model driven by sympathovagal dynamics: Synthetic vs. real heart rate variability
D Candia-Rivera, V Catrambone, R Barbieri, G Valenza
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 68, 102736, 2021
Heart rate variability in marketing research: A systematic review and methodological perspectives
S Kakaria, E Bigne, V Catrambone, G Valenza
Psychology & Marketing 40 (1), 190-208, 2023
Time-resolved brain-to-heart probabilistic information transfer estimation using inhomogeneous point-process models
V Catrambone, A Talebi, R Barbieri, G Valenza
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 68 (11), 3366-3374, 2021
Toward brain–heart computer interfaces: A study on the classification of upper limb movements using multisystem directional estimates
V Catrambone, G Averta, M Bianchi, G Valenza
Journal of Neural Engineering 18 (4), 046002, 2021
From local counterfactuals to global feature importance: efficient, robust, and model-agnostic explanations for brain connectivity networks
AL Alfeo, AG Zippo, V Catrambone, MGCA Cimino, N Toschi, G Valenza
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 236, 107550, 2023
A new sympathovagal balance index from electrodermal activity and instantaneous vagal dynamics: a preliminary cold pressor study
S Ghiasi, A Greco, M Nardelli, V Catrambone, R Barbieri, EP Scilingo, ...
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2018
Functional brain-heart interplay
V Catrambone, G Valenza
Springer International Publishing, 2021
EEG complexity maps to characterise brain dynamics during upper limb motor imagery
V Catrambone, A Greco, G Averta, M Bianchi, A Bicchi, EP Scilingo, ...
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2018
Nervous-system-wise functional estimation of directed brain–heart interplay through microstate occurrences
V Catrambone, G Valenza
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 70 (8), 2270-2278, 2023
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Articles 1–20