Wavelet shrinkage: asymptopia? DL Donoho, IM Johnstone, G Kerkyacharian, D Picard Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 57 (2 …, 1995 | 2922 | 1995 |
Wavelets, approximation, and statistical applications W Härdle, G Kerkyacharian, D Picard, A Tsybakov Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 1268 | 2012 |
Density estimation by wavelet thresholding DL Donoho, IM Johnstone, G Kerkyacharian, D Picard The Annals of statistics, 508-539, 1996 | 1100 | 1996 |
Density estimation in besov spaces zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbazyxwvut G Kerkyacharian, D Picard Statistics & probability letters 13, 15-24, 1992 | 301 | 1992 |
Wavelet deconvolution in a periodic setting IM Johnstone, G Kerkyacharian, D Picard, M Raimondo Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2004 | 232 | 2004 |
Quelques espaces fonctionnels associés à des processus gaussiens Z Ciesielski, G Kerkyacharian, B Roynette Studia Mathematica 107 (2), 171-204, 1993 | 226 | 1993 |
Spherical needlets for cosmic microwave background data analysis D Marinucci, D Pietrobon, A Balbi, P Baldi, P Cabella, G Kerkyacharian, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 383 (2), 539-545, 2008 | 220 | 2008 |
Block threshold rules for curve estimation using kernel and wavelet methods P Hall, G Kerkyacharian, D Picard The Annals of Statistics 26 (3), 922-942, 1998 | 187 | 1998 |
On the minimax optimality of block thresholded wavelet estimators P Hall, G Kerkyacharian, D Picard Statistica Sinica, 33-49, 1999 | 181 | 1999 |
Asymptotics for spherical needlets P Baldi, G Kerkyacharian, D Marinucci, D Picard | 174 | 2009 |
Thresholding algorithms, maxisets and well-concentrated bases G Kerkyacharian, D Picard, L Birgé, P Hall, O Lepski, E Mammen, ... Test 9, 283-344, 2000 | 159 | 2000 |
Density estimation by kernel and wavelets methods: optimality of Besov spaces G Kerkyacharian, D Picard Statistics & Probability Letters 18 (4), 327-336, 1993 | 155 | 1993 |
Nonlinear estimation in anisotropic multi-index denoising G Kerkyacharian, O Lepski, D Picard Probability theory and related fields 121 (2), 137-170, 2001 | 126 | 2001 |
Regression in random design and warped wavelets G Kerkyacharian, D Picard Bernoulli 10 (6), 1053-1105, 2004 | 124 | 2004 |
Heat kernel based decomposition of spaces of distributions in the framework of Dirichlet spaces G Kerkyacharian, P Petrushev Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (1), 121-189, 2015 | 117 | 2015 |
Heat kernel generated frames in the setting of Dirichlet spaces T Coulhon, G Kerkyacharian, P Petrushev Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 18, 995-1066, 2012 | 114 | 2012 |
Maximal spaces with given rate of convergence for thresholding algorithms A Cohen, R DeVore, G Kerkyacharian, D Picard Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 11 (2), 167-191, 2001 | 110 | 2001 |
Large deviations and the Strassen theorem in Hölder norm P Baldi, GB Arous, G Kerkyacharian Stochastic processes and their applications 42 (1), 171-180, 1992 | 106 | 1992 |
Adaptive density estimation for directional data using needlets P Baldi, G Kerkyacharian, D Marinucci, D Picard | 85 | 2009 |
Approximation methods for supervised learning R DeVore, G Kerkyacharian, D Picard, V Temlyakov Foundations of Computational Mathematics 6, 3-58, 2006 | 85 | 2006 |