Whither growth in central and eastern Europe? Policy lessons for an integrated Europe T Becker, D Daianu, Z Darvas, V Gligorov, M Landesmann, P Petrovic, ... Bruegel Blueprint Series 11, 83, 2010 | 89 | 2010 |
Whither growth in central and eastern Europe T Becker, D Daianu, Z Darvas, V Gligorov, M Landesmann, P Petrovic, ... Policy lessons for an integrated Europe. BRUEGEL, 2010 | 81 | 2010 |
Balkan reconstruction and European integration V Gligorov, M Kaldor, L Tsoukalis wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers, 1999 | 74 | 1999 |
Prospects for further (South-) Eastern EU enlargement: from divergence to convergence? V Gligorov, M Holzner, MA Landesmann Shaping the New Europe: Economic Policy Challenges of European Union …, 2004 | 47 | 2004 |
Transition, integration and development in Southeast Europe V Gligorov Ekonomski pregled 58 (5-6), 259-304, 2007 | 37 | 2007 |
European partnership with the Balkans V Gligorov European Balkan Observer 2 (1), 2-8, 2004 | 37 | 2004 |
Socialism and the Disintegration of SFR Yugoslavia V Gligorov Slovenia, 15, 2004 | 37 | 2004 |
Why Do Countries Break Up?-The Case of Yugoslavia V Gligorov Peščanik NVO, 1994 | 32 | 1994 |
The discovery of liberalism in Yugoslavia V Gligorov East European Politics and Societies 5 (01), 5-25, 1991 | 27 | 1991 |
Where have all the shooting stars gone? V Gligorov, J Poeschl, S Richter Verein" Wiener Inst. für Internat. Wirtschaftsvergleiche"(WIIW), 2009 | 26 | 2009 |
Notes on the stability pact V Gligorov Balkan Reconstruction, 13-19, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
Balkan reconstruction: economic aspects V Gligorov Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, 2000 | 22 | 2000 |
Developing efficient activation approaches and identifying elements for regional cooperation in the Western Balkans V Gligorov, R Haupfleisch, M Holzner, K Korolkova, M Natter, H Vidovic Wiiw Research report, 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
Western Balkan countries: Adjustment capacity to external shocks, with a focus on labour markets V Gligorov, A Iara, M Landesmann, R Stehrer, H Vidovic wiiw Research Report, 2008 | 21 | 2008 |
Yugoslav economics facing reform and dissolution V Gligorov Economic Thought in Communist and Post-Communist Europe, 329-361, 1998 | 19 | 1998 |
Trade in the Balkans V Gligorov WIIW Monthly Report 12, 1997 | 19 | 1997 |
High Growth Continues, with Risks of Overheating on the Horizon V Astrov, Z Bosnic, V Gligorov, P Havlik, M Holzner, G Hunya, ... wiiw Research Report, 2007 | 18 | 2007 |
Costs and Benefits of Kosovo's Future Status V Gligorov wiiw Research Report, 2007 | 18 | 2007 |
Gradual shock therapy V Gligorov East European Politics and Societies 9 (01), 195-206, 1995 | 18 | 1995 |