Gangfu Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
Application of local optical flow methods to high-velocity free-surface flows: Validation and application to stepped chutes
G Zhang, H Chanson
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 90, 186-199, 2018
Turbulence and aeration in hydraulic jumps: free-surface fluctuation and integral turbulent scale measurements
G Zhang, H Wang, H Chanson
Environmental fluid mechanics 13, 189-204, 2013
Hydraulics of the developing flow region of stepped spillways. I: Physical modeling and boundary layer development
G Zhang, H Chanson
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 142 (7), 04016015, 2016
On the estimation of free-surface turbulence using ultrasonic sensors
G Zhang, D Valero, DB Bung, H Chanson
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 60, 171-184, 2018
Self-aeration in the rapidly-and gradually-varying flow regions of steep smooth and stepped spillways
G Zhang, H Chanson
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 17 (1), 27-46, 2017
Gabion stepped spillway: interactions between free-surface, cavity, and seepage flows
G Zhang, H Chanson
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 142 (5), 06016002, 2016
Hydraulics of the developing flow region of stepped spillways. II: Pressure and velocity fields
G Zhang, H Chanson
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 142 (7), 04016016, 2016
Effects of step and cavity shapes on aeration and energy dissipation performances of stepped chutes
G Zhang, H Chanson
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 144 (9), 04018060, 2018
Free-surface aeration, turbulence, and energy dissipation on stepped chutes with triangular steps, chamfered steps, and partially blocked step cavities
G Zhang
Interaction between free-surface aeration and total pressure on a stepped chute
G Zhang, H Chanson
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 74, 368-381, 2016
Intrusive measurements of air-water flow properties in highly turbulent supported plunging jets and effects of inflow jet conditions
H Wang, NS Slamet, G Zhang, H Chanson
Chemical Engineering Science 177, 245-260, 2018
Three‐dimensional numerical simulations of smooth, asymmetrically roughened, and baffled culverts for upstream passage of small‐bodied fish
G Zhang, H Chanson
River Research and Applications 34 (8), 957-964, 2018
Air-water flow properties in stepped chutes with modified step and cavity geometries
G Zhang, H Chanson
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 99, 423-436, 2018
Hydraulics of the developing flow region of stepped cascades: an experimental investigation
G Zhang, H Chanson
School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, 2015
Total pressure fluctuations and two-phase flow turbulence in self-aerated stepped chute flows
G Zhang, H Chanson, H Wang
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 51, 8-20, 2016
Modelling small ventilated corner baffles for box culvert barrel
C Sailema, R Freire, H Chanson, G Zhang
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 20 (2), 433-457, 2020
Step cavity and gabion aeration on a gabion stepped spillway
G Zhang, H Chanson
11th National Conference on Hydraulics in Civil Engineering & 5th …, 2014
Numerical investigations of box culvert hydrodynamics with smooth, unequally roughened and baffled barrels to enhance upstream fish passage
G Zhang, H Chanson
School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, 2018
Application of Local Optical Flow Methods to High-Velocity Air-Water Flows: Validation and Application to Skimming Flows on Stepped Chutes
G Zhang, H Chanson
School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, 2017
Application of optical flow methods to aerated skimming flows above triangular and trapezoidal step cavities
G Zhang, H Chanson
Journal of Hydraulic Research 57 (4), 488-497, 2019
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Articles 1–20