Sergio Mariotti
Sergio Mariotti
Professor Emeritus of Industrial Economics and Policy, Politecnico di Milano
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Information costs and location of FDIs within the host country: empirical evidence from Italy
S Mariotti, L Piscitello
Journal of International Business Studies 26, 815-841, 1995
Family involvement and firms’ establishment mode choice in foreign markets
A Boellis, S Mariotti, A Minichilli, L Piscitello
Journal of International Business Studies 47, 929-950, 2016
Spatial agglomeration of multinational enterprises: the role of information externalities and knowledge spillovers
S Mariotti, L Piscitello, S Elia
Journal of Economic Geography 10 (4), 519-538, 2010
Home country employment and foreign direct investment: evidence from the Italian case
S Mariotti, M Mutinelli, L Piscitello
Cambridge Journal of Economics 27 (3), 419-431, 2003
Technological regimes and innovation in services: the case of the Italian banking industry
L Buzzacchi, MG Colombo, S Mariotti
Research Policy 24 (1), 151-168, 1995
Agreements between firms and the technological life cycle model: Evidence from information technologies
GC Cainarca, MG Colombo, S Mariotti
Research Policy 21 (1), 45-62, 1992
Italia multinazionale 2010. Le partecipazioni italiane all'estero e estere in Italia
S Mariotti, M Mutinelli
Rubbettino Editore, 2010
The evolution of transaction governance in the textile-clothing industry
S Mariotti, GC Cainarca
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 7 (4), 351-374, 1986
Varieties of capitalism and the internationalization of state-owned enterprises
S Mariotti, R Marzano
Journal of International Business Studies 50, 669-691, 2019
Italia multinazionale 2012. Le partecipazioni italiane all'estero ed estere in Italia
S Mariotti, M Mutinelli
Rubbettino Editore, 2012
A warning from the Russian–Ukrainian war: avoiding a future that rhymes with the past
S Mariotti
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 49 (4), 761-782, 2022
Italia Multinazionale 1994. Le nuove frontiere dell’internazionalizzazione produttiva
R Cominotti, S Mariotti, (a cura di)
EtasLibri, 1994
Localized capabilities and the internationalization of manufacturing activities by SMEs
S Mariotti, L Piscitello
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 13 (1), 65-80, 2001
An evolutionary pattern of innovation diffusion. The case of flexible automation
GC Cainarca, MG Colombo, S Mariotti
Research Policy 18 (2), 59-86, 1989
The role of family firms’ generational heterogeneity in the entry mode choice in foreign markets
S Mariotti, R Marzano, L Piscitello
Journal of Business Research 132, 800-812, 2021
The internationalization of production by Italian industrial districts' firms: structural and behavioural determinants
S Mariotti, M Mutinelli, L Piscitello
Regional Studies 42 (5), 719-735, 2008
L'Italia nella competizione tecnologica internazionale. Secondo rapporto
S Ferrari, P Guerrieri, F Malerba, S Mariotti, D Palma, (a cura di)
Franco Angeli Editore, 1999
Italia multinazionale 1996. Tendenze e protagonisti dell'internazionalizzazione
R Cominotti, S Mariotti, (a cura di)
Franco Angeli Editore, 1997
Italia multinazionale 2004. Le partecipazioni italiane all'estero e estere in Italia
S Mariotti, M Mutinelli
Rubbettino Editore, 2005
Governments as strategists in designing global players: the case of European utilities
A Colli, S Mariotti, L Piscitello
Journal of European Public Policy 21 (4), 487-508, 2014
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