Chai Wutiwiwatchai
Cited by
Cited by
Thai speech processing technology: A review
C Wutiwiwatchai, S Furui
Speech communication 49 (1), 8-27, 2007
BEST 2009: Thai word segmentation software contest
K Kosawat, M Boriboon, P Chootrakool, A Chotimongkol, S Klaithin, ...
2009 Eighth International Symposium on Natural Language Processing, 83-88, 2009
Speech emotion recognition using convolutional long short-term memory neural network and support vector machines
N Kurpukdee, T Koriyama, T Kobayashi, S Kasuriya, C Wutiwiwatchai, ...
2017 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2017
A study of VoIP quality evaluation: User perception of voice quality from G. 729, G. 711 and G. 722
T Daengsi, C Wutiwiwatchai, A Preechayasomboon, S Sukparungsee
2012 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 342-345, 2012
LOTUS-BN: A Thai broadcast news corpus and its research applications
A Chotimongkol, K Saykhum, P Chootrakool, N Thatphithakkul, ...
2009 Oriental COCOSDA International Conference on Speech Database and …, 2009
Computers and the thai language
HT Koanantakool, T Karoonboonyanan, C Wutiwiwatchai
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 31 (1), 46-61, 2009
Comparative study of continuous hidden Markov models (CHMM) and artificial neural network (ANN) on speaker identification system
S Kasuriya, C Wutiwiwatchai, V Achariyakulporn, C Tanprasert
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems …, 2001
Thai syllable segmentation for connected speech based on energy
N Jittiwarangkul, S Jitapunkul, S Luksaneeyanavin, V Ahkuputra, ...
IEEE. APCCAS 1998. 1998 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems …, 1998
Space reduction of speech corpus based on quality perception for unit selection speech synthesis
C Hansakunbuntheung, A Rugchatjaroen, C Wutiwiwatchai
Proc. SNLP, 127-132, 2005
A study of support vector machines for emotional speech recognition
N Kurpukdee, S Kasuriya, V Chunwijitra, C Wutiwiwatchai, P Lamsrichan
2017 8th international conference of information and communication …, 2017
A-STAR: Toward translating Asian spoken languages
S Sakti, M Paul, A Finch, S Sakai, TT Vu, N Kimura, C Hori, E Sumita, ...
Computer Speech & Language 27 (2), 509-527, 2013
Panel: The State of the Art in Thai Language Processing
V Sornlertlamvanich, T Potipiti, C Wutiwiwatchai, P Mittrapiyanuruk
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2000
Text-dependent speaker identification using neural network on distinctive Thai tone marks
C Tanprasert, C Wutiwiwatchai, S Sae-Tang
IJCNN'99. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Proceedings …, 1999
Lexical units for Thai LVCSR
M Jongtaveesataporn, I Thienlikit, C Wutiwiwatchai, S Furui
Speech Communication 51 (4), 379-389, 2009
Phonetically Distributed Continuous Speech Corpus for Thai Language.
C Wutiwiwatchai, P Cotsomrong, S Suebvisai, S Kanokphara
LREC, 2002
Automatic syllable-pattern induction in statistical Thai text-to-phone transcription.
A Thangthai, C Hansakunbuntheung, R Siricharoenchai, C Wutiwiwatchai
Interspeech, 2006
Text-dependent speaker identification using LPC and DTW for Thai language
C Wutiwiwatchai, V Achariyakulporn, C Tanprasert
Proceedings of IEEE. IEEE Region 10 Conference. TENCON 99.'Multimedia …, 1999
Robust voice activity detection based on LSTM recurrent neural networks and modulation spectrum
P Sertsi, S Boonkla, V Chunwijitra, N Kurpukdee, C Wutiwiwatchai
2017 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2017
The development of a large Thai telephone speech corpus: LOTUS-Cell 2.0
A Chotimongkol, N Thatphithakkul, S Purodakananda, C Wutiwiwatchai, ...
Proceedings of Oriental-COCOSDA, 2010
T-tilt: a modified tilt model for F0 analysis and synthesis in tonal languages.
A Thangthai, N Thatphithakkul, C Wutiwiwatchai, A Rugchatjaroen, ...
INTERSPEECH, 2270-2273, 2008
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Articles 1–20