françois Audard
françois Audard
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT); Université de Toulouse; CNRS, INPT, UPS; FR-31400 Toulouse, France
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Cited by
Drag force modelling in dilute to dense particle-laden flows with mono-disperse or binary mixture of solid particles
O Simonin, S Chevrier, F Audard, P Fede
9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2016), pp. 1-6, 2016
Eulerian modelling of the powder discharge of a silo: Attempting to shed some light on the origin of jet expansion
F Audard, P Fede, E Belut, JR Fontaine, H Neau, O Simonin
Powder Technology 379, 49-57, 2021
Modélisation eulérienne de la vidange d'un silo et de l'expansion du panache
F Audard
Numerical analysis of dust emission by powder discharge and jet expansion
F Audard, P Fede, O Simonin, E Belut
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 57212, V001T32A001, 2015
Analytical and practical analysis of frictional-kinetic model for dense and dilute gas-solid flows
P Fede, F Audard, E Belut, JR Fontaine, O Simonin
9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2016), pp. 1-6, 2016
Fontaine, Jean-Raymond and Simonin, Olivier Analytical and practical analysis of frictional-kinetic model for dense and dilute gas-solid flows.(2016) In: 9th International …
P Fede, F Audard, E Belut
Eulerian simulation of 3D freely-falling granular jet
F Audard, P Fede, E Belut, JR Fontaine, H Neau, O Simonin
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Articles 1–7