Maxim Volgushev
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Cited by
Unique features of action potential initiation in cortical neurons
B Naundorf, F Wolf, M Volgushev
Nature 440 (7087), 1060-1063, 2006
Precise long-range synchronization of activity and silence in neocortical neurons during slow-wave sleep
M Volgushev, S Chauvette, M Mukovski, I Timofeev
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (21), 5665-5672, 2006
Origin of active states in local neocortical networks during slow sleep oscillation
S Chauvette, M Volgushev, I Timofeev
Cerebral cortex 20 (11), 2660-2674, 2010
Properties of slow oscillation during slow-wave sleep and anesthesia in cats
S Chauvette, S Crochet, M Volgushev, I Timofeev
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (42), 14998-15008, 2011
Modification of discharge patterns of neocortical neurons by induced oscillations of the membrane potential
M Volgushev, M Chistiakova, W Singer
Neuroscience 83 (1), 15-25, 1998
Detection of active and silent states in neocortical neurons from the field potential signal during slow-wave sleep
M Mukovski, S Chauvette, I Timofeev, M Volgushev
Cerebral cortex 17 (2), 400-414, 2007
Heterosynaptic plasticity: multiple mechanisms and multiple roles
M Chistiakova, NM Bannon, M Bazhenov, M Volgushev
The Neuroscientist 20 (5), 483-498, 2014
Membrane properties and spike generation in rat visual cortical cells during reversible cooling
M Volgushev, TR Vidyasagar, M Chistiakova, T Yousef, UT Eysel
The Journal of physiology 522 (1), 59-76, 2000
Multiple mechanisms underlying the orientation selectivity of visual cortical neurones
TR Vidyasagar, X Pei, M Volgushev
Trends in neurosciences 19 (7), 272-277, 1996
Receptive field analysis and orientation selectivity of postsynaptic potentials of simple cells in cat visual cortex
X Pei, TR Vidyasagar, M Volgushev, OD Creutzfeldt
Journal of Neuroscience 14 (11), 7130-7140, 1994
Synaptic transmission in the neocortex during reversible cooling
M Volgushev, TR Vidyasagar, M Chistiakova, UT Eysel
Neuroscience 98 (1), 9-22, 2000
Ultrafast population encoding by cortical neurons
T Tchumatchenko, A Malyshev, F Wolf, M Volgushev
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (34), 12171-12179, 2011
Homeostatic role of heterosynaptic plasticity: models and experiments
M Chistiakova, NM Bannon, JY Chen, M Bazhenov, M Volgushev
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 9, 89, 2015
Probability of transmitter release at neocortical synapses at different temperatures
M Volgushev, I Kudryashov, M Chistiakova, M Mukovski, J Niesmann, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 92 (1), 212-220, 2004
Whole cell recording and conductance measurements in cat visual cortex in-vivo
X Pel, M Volgushev, TR Vidyasagar, OD Creutzfeldt
Neuroreport 2 (8), 485-488, 1991
Heterosynaptic plasticity prevents runaway synaptic dynamics
JY Chen, P Lonjers, C Lee, M Chistiakova, M Volgushev, M Bazhenov
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (40), 15915-15929, 2013
Correlations and synchrony in threshold neuron models
T Tchumatchenko, A Malyshev, T Geisel, M Volgushev, F Wolf
Physical review letters 104 (5), 058102, 2010
Heterosynaptic plasticity in the neocortex
M Chistiakova, M Volgushev
Experimental brain research 199, 377-390, 2009
Excitation and inhibition in orientation selectivity of cat visual cortex neurons revealed by whole-cell recordings in vivo
M Volgushev, X Pei, TR Vidyasagar, OD Creutzfeldt
Visual neuroscience 10 (6), 1151-1155, 1993
Fast computations in cortical ensembles require rapid initiation of action potentials
V Ilin, A Malyshev, F Wolf, M Volgushev
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (6), 2281-2292, 2013
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Articles 1–20