Fernando Hiraldo
Fernando Hiraldo
Profesor de Investigación CSIC
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Top predators as conservation tools: ecological rationale, assumptions, and efficacy
F Sergio, T Caro, D Brown, B Clucas, J Hunter, J Ketchum, K McHugh, ...
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 39 (1), 1-19, 2008
Individual improvements and selective mortality shape lifelong migratory performance
F Sergio, A Tanferna, R De Stephanis, LL Jiménez, J Blas, G Tavecchia, ...
Nature 515 (7527), 410-413, 2014
The rabbit as prey in the Iberian Mediterranean ecosystem
M Delibes, F Hiraldo
Proceedings of the world lagomorph conference 1979, 614-622, 1981
Long-term effects of lead poisoning on bone mineralization in vultures exposed to ammunition sources
L Gangoso, P Alvarez-Lloret, AAB Rodríguez-Navarro, R Mateo, F Hiraldo, ...
Environmental Pollution 157 (2), 569-574, 2009
Factors influencing nest site selection, breeding density and breeding success in the bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus)
JA Donázar, F Hiraldo, J Bustamante
Journal of Applied Ecology, 504-514, 1993
Intraguild predation in raptor assemblages: a review
F Sergio, F Hiraldo
Ibis 150, 132-145, 2008
Causes and consequences of territory change and breeding dispersal distance in the black kite
MG Forero, JA Donázar, J Blas, F Hiraldo
Ecology 80 (4), 1298-1310, 1999
Conflicts between Lesser Kestrel Conservation and European Agricultural Policies as Identif ied by Habitat Use Analyses
JL Tella, MG Forero, F Hiraldo, JA Donázar
Conservation Biology 12 (3), 593-604, 1998
Phylogeography, genetic structure and diversity in the endangered bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus, L.) as revealed by mitochondrial DNA
JA Godoy, JJ Negro, F Hiraldo, JA Donázar
Molecular Ecology 13 (2), 371-390, 2004
Conservation status and limiting factors in the endangered population of Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in the Canary Islands
JA Donázar, CJ Palacios, L Gangoso, O Ceballos, MJ González, ...
Biological Conservation 107 (1), 89-97, 2002
Raptor nest decorations are a reliable threat against conspecifics
F Sergio, J Blas, G Blanco, A Tanferna, L López, JA Lemus, F Hiraldo
Science 331 (6015), 327-330, 2011
Foraging habitat selection, land-use changes and population decline in the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni
JA Donázar, JJ Negro, F Hiraldo, F Hiraldo
Journal of Applied Ecology, 515-522, 1993
Causes and fitness consequences of natal dispersal in a population of black kites
MG Forero, JA Donázar, F Hiraldo
Ecology 83 (3), 858-872, 2002
The paradox of the long‐term positive effects of a North American crayfish on a European community of predators
Z Tablado, JL Tella, JA SÁNCHEZ‐ZAPATA, F Hiraldo
Conservation biology 24 (5), 1230-1238, 2010
Current threats faced by Neotropical parrot populations
I Berkunsky, P Quillfeldt, DJ Brightsmith, MC Abbud, J Aguilar, ...
Biological Conservation 214, 278-287, 2017
Network structure embracing mutualism–antagonism continuums increases community robustness
A Montesinos-Navarro, F Hiraldo, JL Tella, G Blanco
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (11), 1661-1669, 2017
Food-niche and trophic relationships among European owls
CM Herrera, F Hiraldo
Ornis scandinavica, 29-41, 1976
Raptors as indicators of environmental change in the scrub habitat of Baja California Sur, Mexico
R Rodríguez-Estrella, JA Donázar, F Hiraldo
Conservation Biology 12 (4), 921-925, 1998
Accumulation of heavy metals and As in wetland birds in the area around Donana National Park affected by the Aznalcollar toxic spill
LM Hernández, B Gómara, M Fernández, B Jiménez, MJ González, ...
Science of the Total Environment 242 (1-3), 293-308, 1999
Illegal and legal parrot trade shows a long-term, cross-cultural preference for the most attractive species increasing their risk of extinction
JL Tella, F Hiraldo
PLoS One 9 (9), e107546, 2014
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Articles 1–20