Francesco Moscone
Francesco Moscone
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Health care expenditure and income in the OECD reconsidered: Evidence from panel data
BH Baltagi, F Moscone
Economic modelling 27 (4), 804-811, 2010
Wanless social care review: securing good care for older people, taking a long-term view
D Wanless, J Forder, JL Fernández, T Poole, L Beesley, M Henwood, ...
King’s Fund (London, England), 2006
Inequalities in healthy life years in the 25 countries of the European Union in 2005: a cross-national meta-regression analysis
C Jagger, C Gillies, F Moscone, E Cambois, H Van Oyen, W Nusselder, ...
The Lancet 372 (9656), 2124-2131, 2008
Health expenditure and income in the United States
F Moscone, E Tosetti
Health economics 19 (12), 1385-1403, 2010
The impact of precarious employment on mental health: The case of Italy
F Moscone, E Tosetti, G Vittadini
Social Science & Medicine 158, 86-95, 2016
Health care expenditure and income: A global perspective
BH Baltagi, R Lagravinese, F Moscone, E Tosetti
Health economics 26 (7), 863-874, 2017
A review and comparison of tests of cross‐section independence in panels
F Moscone, E Tosetti
Journal of Economic Surveys 23 (3), 528-561, 2009
Mental health expenditure in England: a spatial panel approach
F Moscone, M Knapp, E Tosetti
Journal of Health Economics 26 (4), 842-864, 2007
Social interaction in patients’ hospital choice: evidence from Italy
F Moscone, E Tosetti, G Vittadini
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 175 …, 2012
Exploring the spatial pattern of mental health expenditure
F Moscone, M Knapp
Journal of mental health policy and economics 8 (4), 205, 2005
The impact of decentralization and inter-territorial interactions on Spanish health expenditure
J Costa-Font, F Moscone
Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Applications, 167-184, 2009
Medical technology and the production of health care
BH Baltagi, F Moscone, E Tosetti
Empirical Economics 42, 395-411, 2012
The association between asymmetric information, hospital competition and quality of healthcare: evidence from Italy
P Berta, G Martini, F Moscone, G Vittadini
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 179 …, 2016
The impact of air pollution on hospital admissions: evidence from Italy
R Lagravinese, F Moscone, E Tosetti, H Lee
Regional Science and Urban Economics 49, 278-285, 2014
SUR model with spatial effects: an application to mental health expenditure
F Moscone, E Tosetti, M Knapp
Health economics 16 (12), 1403-1408, 2007
Measuring geographical disparities in England at the time of COVID-19: results using a composite indicator of population vulnerability
C Nicodemo, S Barzin, D Lasserson, F Moscone, S Redding, M Shaikh
BMJ open 10 (9), e039749, 2020
Real estate market and financial stability in US metropolitan areas: A dynamic model with spatial effects
F Moscone, E Tosetti, A Canepa
Regional Science and Urban Economics 49, 129-146, 2014
Testing for error cross section independence with an application to US health expenditure
F Moscone, E Tosetti
Regional Science and Urban Economics 40 (5), 283-291, 2010
Spatial econometrics: theory and applications in health economics
F Moscone, E Tosetti
Encyclopedia of health economics 3, 329-334, 2014
GMM estimation of spatial panels with fixed effects and unknown heteroskedasticity
F Moscone, E Tosetti
Regional Science and Urban Economics 41 (5), 487-497, 2011
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Articles 1–20