Manuel Alejandro Cuautle Marín
Manuel Alejandro Cuautle Marín
Instituto de ingeniería, UNAM
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Cited by
Evaluation of various cheese whey treatment scenarios in single-chamber microbial electrolysis cells for improved biohydrogen production
I Rivera, P Bakonyi, MA Cuautle-Marín, G Buitrón
Chemosphere 174, 253-259, 2017
Microalgal‐bacterial aggregates with flue gas supply as a platform for the treatment of anaerobic digestion centrate
M Vital‐Jácome, AL Díaz‐Zamorano, M Cuautle‐Marín, G Moreno, ...
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 95 (1), 289-296, 2019
Industria química del plástico
M Cuautle Marín, G Buitrón
Aguas residuales industriales en Iberoamérica 1, 127-140, 2019
Biohydrogen production using acidic cheese whey in an EGSB reactor: Influence of sodium hydroxide or bicarbonate for the pH control
MA Cuautle-Marín, G Buitrón
Integrated treatment of cheese industry wastewater: A two-stage anaerobic digestion process followed by a microbial electrolysis cell
MA Cuautle-Marín, G Buitrón, I Rivera
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