Roland W Lewis
Roland W Lewis
Professor of Civil Engineering
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Cited by
The finite element method in the static and dynamic deformation and consolidation of porous media
RW Lewis, BA Schrefler
John Wiley & Sons, 1999
Associated and non-associated visco-plasticity and plasticity in soil mechanics
OC Zienkiewicz, C Humpheson, RW Lewis
Geotechnique 25 (4), 671-689, 1975
Fundamentals of the finite element method for heat and fluid flow
RW Lewis, P Nithiarasu, KN Seetharamu
John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Finite element solution of non‐linear heat conduction problems with special reference to phase change
G Comini, S Del Guidice, RW Lewis, OC Zienkiewicz
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 8 (3), 613-624, 1974
The finite element method in heat transfer analysis
RW Lewis
John Wiley & Sons Ltd google schola 2, 696-702, 1996
An improved algrorithm for heat conduction problems with phase change
K Morgan, RW Lewis, OC Zienkiewicz
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 12 (7), 1191-1195, 1978
Finite element simulation of metal casting
RW Lewis, K Ravindran
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 47 (1‐3), 29-59, 2000
Fundamentals of the finite element method for heat and mass transfer
P Nithiarasu, RW Lewis, KN Seetharamu
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
A variational formulation based contact algorithm for rigid boundaries in two-dimensional SPH applications
S Kulasegaram, J Bonet, RW Lewis, M Profit
Computational Mechanics 33, 316-325, 2004
Finite element modelling of three‐phase flow in deforming saturated oil reservoirs
RW Lewis, Y Sukirman
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 1993
A comparison of time marching schemes for the transient heat conduction equation
WL Wood, RW Lewis
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 9 (3), 679-689, 1975
The role of geomechanics in reservoir simulation
M Gutierrex, RW Lewis
SPE/ISRM rock mechanics in petroleum engineering, SPE-47392-MS, 1998
An improved unsteady, unstructured, artificial compressibility, finite volume scheme for viscous incompressible flows: Part I. Theory and implementation
AG Malan, RW Lewis, P Nithiarasu
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 54 (5), 695-714, 2002
A fully coupled consolidation model of the subsidence of Venice
RW Lewis, B Schrefler
Water Resources Research 14 (2), 223-230, 1978
Finite element simulation of solidification problems
RW Lewis, PM Roberts
Applied Scientific Research 44, 61-92, 1987
Finite element simulation of freezing processes in soils
S Del Giudice, G Comini, RW Lewis
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 2 …, 1978
A numerical solution of two-dimensional problems involving heat and mass transfer
G Comini, RW Lewis
International journal of heat and mass transfer 19 (12), 1387-1392, 1976
A novel finite element double porosity model for multiphase flow through deformable fractured porous media
RW Lewis, HR Ghafouri
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 1997
A coupled finite element model for the consolidation of nonisothermal elastoplastic porous media
RW Lewis, CE Majorana, BA Schrefler
Transport in porous media 1, 155-178, 1986
Powder compaction modelling via the discrete and finite element method
RS Ransing, DT Gethin, AR Khoei, P Mosbah, RW Lewis
Materials & Design 21 (4), 263-269, 2000
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Articles 1–20