Tzu-Chi Kuo
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Cited by
Gateable nanofluidic interconnects for multilayered microfluidic separation systems
TC Kuo, DM Cannon, Y Chen, JJ Tulock, MA Shannon, JV Sweedler, ...
Analytical Chemistry 75 (8), 1861-1867, 2003
Facile preparation of active glassy carbon electrodes with activated carbon and organic solvents
S Ranganathan, TC Kuo, RL McCreery
Analytical chemistry 71 (16), 3574-3580, 1999
Electrochemical modification of boron‐doped chemical vapor deposited diamond surfaces with covalently bonded monolayers
TC Kuo, RL McCreery, GM Swain
Electrochemical and solid-state letters 2 (6), 288, 1999
Manipulating molecular transport through nanoporous membranes by control of electrokinetic flow: effect of surface charge density and Debye length
TC Kuo, LA Sloan, JV Sweedler, PW Bohn
Langmuir 17 (20), 6298-6303, 2001
Hybrid three-dimensional nanofluidic/microfluidic devices using molecular gates
TC Kuo, DM Cannon Jr, MA Shannon, PW Bohn, JV Sweedler
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 102 (3), 223-233, 2003
Hybrid microfluidic and nanofluidic system
PW Bohn, JV Sweedler, MA Shannon, T Kuo
US Patent 7,220,345, 2007
Nanocapillary array interconnects for gated analyte injections and electrophoretic separations in multilayer microfluidic architectures
DM Cannon, TC Kuo, PW Bohn, JV Sweedler
Analytical chemistry 75 (10), 2224-2230, 2003
Surface chemistry and electron-transfer kinetics of hydrogen-modified glassy carbon electrodes
TC Kuo, RL McCreery
Analytical Chemistry 71 (8), 1553-1560, 1999
Interfacial rheology and heterogeneity of aging asphaltene layers at the water–oil interface
CC Chang, A Nowbahar, V Mansard, I Williams, J Mecca, AK Schmitt, ...
Langmuir 34 (19), 5409-5415, 2018
Nanocapillary arrays effect mixing and reaction in multilayer fluidic structures
TC Kuo, HK Kim, DM Cannon, MA Shannon, JV Sweedler, PW Bohn
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 43 (14), 1862-1865, 2004
Mechanistic study of water droplet coalescence and flocculation in diluted bitumen emulsions with additives using microfluidics
A Nowbahar, KA Whitaker, AK Schmitt, TC Kuo
Energy & Fuels 31 (10), 10555-10565, 2017
Direct chemical mapping of electrochemically generated spatial composition gradients on thin gold films with surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy
KM Balss, TC Kuo, PW Bohn
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (4), 994-1000, 2003
MicroTotal Analysis Systems 2001
MG Spencer, BR Flachsbart, T Yasunaga, TC Kuo, JV Sweedler, ...
Monterey, CA, Kluwer Academic: New York, 2001
Detailed rate coefficients and the enthalpy change of the equilibrium reaction OH+C6H6MHOC6H6 over the temperature range 345–385 K
SC Lin, TC Kuo, YP Lee
The Journal of chemical physics 101 (3), 2098-2105, 1994
Effect of ethylcellulose on the rheology and mechanical heterogeneity of asphaltene films at the oil–water interface
CC Chang, I Williams, A Nowbahar, V Mansard, J Mecca, KA Whitaker, ...
Langmuir 35 (29), 9374-9381, 2019
High-throughput industrial coatings research at The Dow Chemical Company
TC Kuo, NA Malvadkar, R Drumright, R Cesaretti, MT Bishop
ACS combinatorial science 18 (9), 507-526, 2016
A novel high-throughput viscometer
S Deshmukh, MT Bishop, D Dermody, L Dietsche, TC Kuo, M Mushrush, ...
ACS Combinatorial Science 18 (7), 405-414, 2016
Systems and Methods for High-Throughput Turbidity Measurements
MA Leugers, T Kuo, JM Mecca, CE Mohler
US Patent App. 12/615,093, 2010
Three-dimensional fluidic architectures using nanofluidic diodes to control transport between microfluidic channels in microelectromechanical devices
TC Kuo, DM Cannon, W Feng, MA Shannon, JV Sweedler, PW Bohn
Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001: Proceedings of the µTAS 2001 Symposium …, 2001
High-throughput Raman spectroscopy screening of excipients for the stabilization of amorphous drugs
X Chen, K Stoneburner, M Ladika, TC Kuo, TH Kalantar
Applied Spectroscopy 69 (11), 1271-1280, 2015
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Articles 1–20