Physical measures for nonlinear random walks on interval V Kleptsyn, D Volk
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19 2018 Almost every interval translation map of three intervals is finite type D Volk
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12 2012 Translation numbers define generators of $ F_k^+\to {\text {\rm Homeo} _+}(\mathbb {S}^ 1) $ T Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, A Gorodetski, V Kleptsyn, D Volk
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1 2024 Математика мозга: математические модели в нейронауке. Занятие 3 DS Volk
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2017 XVII Summer School" Contemporary Mathematics", 2017 SA Bronislavovich, KV Alekseevich, AP Veselov, K Conrad, GY Panina, ...
Математика 11, 15, 2017
2017 “Young Russian Mathematics” award Scientific report for 2016 D Volk
2016 A geodesic on a piecewise smooth surface and a piecewise smooth curve as a geodesic on a surface T Sawada, D Volk
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2008 Теорема о плотности сепаратрисных связок в пространстве полиномиальных слоений в и ее следствия DS Volk, TI Golenishcheva-Kutuzova
Fast–slow partially hyperbolic systems and pathological foliations D Volk, J De Simoi, C Liverani, C Poquet