Claire Le Bayon
Claire Le Bayon
Other namesRenée-Claire Le Bayon, Renee-Claire Le Bayon
Adjunct Professor
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Cited by
Earthworms change the distribution and availability of phosphorous in organic substrates
RC Le Bayon, F Binet
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (2), 235-246, 2006
Quantifying the effects of earthworms on soil aggregation and porosity
MJ Shipitalo, RC Le Bayon
Earthworm ecology, 183-200, 2004
Litter decomposition driven by soil fauna, plant diversity and soil management in urban gardens
S Tresch, D Frey, RC Le Bayon, A Zanetta, F Rasche, A Fliessbach, ...
Science of the Total Environment 658, 1614-1629, 2019
Root, mycorrhiza and earthworm interactions: their effects on soil structuring processes, plant and soil nutrient concentration and plant biomass
R Milleret, RC Le Bayon, JM Gobat
Plant and soil 316, 1-12, 2009
Log decay of Picea abies in the Swiss Jura Mountains of central Europe
R Bütler, L Patty, RC Le Bayon, C Guenat, R Schlaepfer
Forest Ecology and Management 242 (2-3), 791-799, 2007
Impact of roots, mycorrhizas and earthworms on soil physical properties as assessed by shrinkage analysis
R Milleret, RC Le Bayon, F Lamy, JM Gobat, P Boivin
Journal of Hydrology 373 (3-4), 499-507, 2009
Lumbricid macrofauna alter atrazine mineralization and sorption in a silt loam soil
F Binet, A Kersanté, C Munier-Lamy, RC Le Bayon, MJ Belgy, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (6), 1255-1263, 2006
A proposal for including humus forms in the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB-FAO)
B Jabiol, A Zanella, JF Ponge, G Sartori, M Englisch, B Van Delft, ...
Geoderma 192, 286-294, 2013
Space-time dynamics in situ of earthworm casts under temperate cultivated soils
F Binet, RC Le Bayon
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31 (1), 85-93, 1998
Earthworms affect plant growth and resistance against herbivores: A meta‐analysis
Z Xiao, X Wang, J Koricheva, A Kergunteuil, RC Le Bayon, M Liu, F Hu, ...
Functional Ecology 32 (1), 150-160, 2018
A gardener's influence on urban soil quality
S Tresch, M Moretti, RC Le Bayon, P Mäder, A Zanetta, D Frey, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 6, 25, 2018
Spatio-temporal dynamics of bacterial communities associated with two plant species differing in organic acid secretion: a one-year microcosm study on lupin and wheat
L Weisskopf, RC Le Bayon, F Kohler, V Page, M Jossi, JM Gobat, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (7), 1772-1780, 2008
Humusica 1, article 5: Terrestrial humus systems and forms—Keys of classification of humus systems and forms
A Zanella, JF Ponge, B Jabiol, G Sartori, E Kolb, RC Le Bayon, JM Gobat, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 122, 75-86, 2018
Role of soil macrofauna in phosphorus cycling
L Chapuis-Lardy, RC Le Bayon, M Brossard, D López-Hernández, ...
Phosphorus in action: biological processes in soil phosphorus cycling, 199-213, 2011
Annual variations in earthworm surface-casting activity and soil transport by water runoff under a temperate maize agroecosytem
RC Le Bayon, S Moreau, C Gascuel-Odoux, F Binet
Geoderma 106 (1-2), 121-135, 2002
Influence of some physicochemical and biological parameters on soil structure formation in alluvial soils
G Bullinger-Weber, RC Le Bayon, C Guenat, JM Gobat
European Journal of Soil Biology 43 (1), 57-70, 2007
Direct and indirect effects of urban gardening on aboveground and belowground diversity influencing soil multifunctionality
S Tresch, D Frey, RCL Bayon, P Mäder, B Stehle, A Fliessbach, M Moretti
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 9769, 2019
Earthworm surface casts affect soil erosion by runoff water and phosphorus transfer in a temperate maize crop
RC Le Bayon, F Binet
Pedobiologia 45 (5), 430-442, 2001
Effects of earthworms on phosphorus dynamics–a review
RC Le Bayon, R Milleret
Dyn. Soil Dyn. Plant 3 (2), 21-27, 2009
Functional responses of multitaxa communities to disturbance and stress gradients in a restored floodplain
B Fournier, F Gillet, RC Le Bayon, EAD Mitchell, M Moretti
Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (5), 1364-1373, 2015
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Articles 1–20