Manoel Campelo
Cited by
Cited by
On the asymmetric representatives formulation for the vertex coloring problem
M Campêlo, VA Campos, RC Corrêa
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (7), 1097-1111, 2008
Cliques, holes and the vertex coloring polytope
M Campêlo, R Corrêa, Y Frota
Information Processing Letters 89 (4), 159-164, 2004
A note on a penalty function approach for solving bilevel linear programs
M Campelo, S Dantas, S Scheimberg
Journal of global optimization 16 (3), 245, 2000
Unique lifting of integer variables in minimal inequalities
A Basu, M Campêlo, M Conforti, G Cornuéjols, G Zambelli
Mathematical Programming 141, 561-576, 2013
A computational study of global algorithms for linear bilevel programming
CHM de Sabóia, M Campêlo, S Scheimberg
Numerical Algorithms 35, 155-173, 2004
A note on a modified simplex approach for solving bilevel linear programming problems
M Campêlo, S Scheimberg
European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2), 454-458, 2000
A simplex approach for finding local solutions of a linear bilevel program by equilibrium points
M Campêlo, S Scheimberg
Annals of operations research 138, 143-157, 2005
The sociotechnical teams formation problem: a mathematical optimization approach
M Campêlo, T Figueiredo, A Silva
Annals of Operations Research 286 (1), 201-216, 2020
On the asymmetric representatives formulation for the vertex coloring problem.
MB Campêlo, VA Campos, RC Corrêa
Electron. Notes Discret. Math. 19, 337-343, 2005
A study of local solutions in linear bilevel programming
M Campelo, S Scheimberg
Journal of optimization theory and applications 125 (1), 63-84, 2005
The convex recoloring problem: polyhedra, facets and computational experiments
M Campêlo, AS Freire, KR Lima, PFS Moura, Y Wakabayashi
Mathematical Programming 156 (1), 303-330, 2016
Stable sets, corner polyhedra and the Chvátal closure
M Campêlo, G Cornuéjols
Operations Research Letters 37 (6), 375-378, 2009
On lifting integer variables in minimal inequalities
A Basu, M Campelo, M Conforti, G Cornuéjols, G Zambelli
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 14th International …, 2010
An ADD/DROP procedure for the capacitated plant location problem
CT Bornstein, M Campêlo
Pesquisa Operacional 24, 151-162, 2004
A new facet generating procedure for the stable set polytope
ÁS Xavier, M Campêlo
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 37, 183-188, 2011
Polyhedral studies on the convex recoloring problem
M Campêlo, KR Lima, PFS Moura, Y Wakabayashi
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 44, 233-238, 2013
Min-degree constrained minimum spanning tree problem with fixed centrals and terminals: Complexity, properties and formulations
FCS Dias, M Campêlo, C Souza, R Andrade
Computers & Operations Research 84, 46-61, 2017
Integer programming approaches to the multiple team formation problem
M Campêlo, TF Figueiredo
Computers & Operations Research 133, 105354, 2021
The geodesic classification problem on graphs
PHM De Araújo, M Campêlo, RC Corrêa, M Labbé
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 346, 65-76, 2019
Hardness and inapproximability of convex recoloring problems
M Campêlo, C Huiban, RM Sampaio, Y Wakabayashi
Theoretical Computer Science 533, 15-25, 2014
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Articles 1–20