Guilherme Dean Pelegrina
Cited by
Cited by
Blind source separation and feature extraction in concurrent control charts pattern recognition: Novel analyses and a comparison of different methods
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte, C Jutten
Computers & Industrial Engineering 92, 105-114, 2016
Application of independent component analysis and TOPSIS to deal with dependent criteria in multicriteria decision problems
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte, JMT Romano
Expert Systems with Applications 112, 262-280, 2019
The multilinear model in multicriteria decision making: The case of 2-additive capacities and contributions to parameter identification
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte, M Grabisch, JMT Romano
European Journal of Operational Research 282, 945-956, 2020
A k-additive Choquet integral-based approach to approximate the SHAP values for local interpretability in machine learning
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte, M Grabisch
Artificial Intelligence 325, 104014, 2023
A novel approach for fair principal component analysis based on eigendecomposition
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2023
Analysis of trade-offs in fair principal component analysis based on multi-objective optimization
GD Pelegrina, RDB Brotto, LT Duarte, R Attux, JMT Romano
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2022
Dealing with redundancies among criteria in multicriteria decision making through independent component analysis
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte, M Grabisch, JMT Romano
Computers & Industrial Engineering 169, 108171, 2022
Shapley value-based approaches to explain the quality of predictions by classifiers
GD Pelegrina, S Siraj
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024
A statistical approach to detect disparity prone features in a group fairness setting
GD Pelegrina, M Couceiro, LT Duarte
AI and Ethics, 1-14, 2023
A multi-objective approach for blind source extraction
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte
2016 IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), 1-5, 2016
Interpreting the contribution of sensors in blind source extraction by means of Shapley values
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte, M Grabisch
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2023
An unsupervised capacity identification approach based on sobol’indices
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte, M Grabisch, JMT Romano
International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence …, 2020
Application of multi-objective optimization to blind source separation
GD Pelegrina, R Attux, LT Duarte
Expert Systems with Applications 131, 60-70, 2019
Critical analysis of ai indicators in terms of weighting and aggregation approaches
R Pelissari, B Campello, GD Pelegrina, R Suyama, LT Duarte
Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 385-399, 2023
A Multi-Objective Approach for Post-Nonlinear Source Separation and its Application to Ion-Selective Electrodes
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 65 (12), 2067 …, 2018
Um modelo de programação linear inteira para a tomada de decisão de manutenção preventiva
ARS Picanço, GD Pelegrina, C Torezzan, AL da Silva
XLVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 1449-1460, 2015
A novel unsupervised capacity identification approach to deal with redundant criteria in multicriteria decision making problems
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 32 (12), 7196-7201, 2024
Multicriteria decision making: Dealing with criteria interactions by means of latent variable analysis
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte, M Grabisch, JMT Romano
Galoá, 2021
Multilinear model: New issues in capacity identification
GD Pelegrina, M Grabisch, LT Duarte, MT Romano
From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning (DA2PL’2018 …, 2018
Muticriteria decision making based on independent component analysis: A preliminary investigation considering the TOPSIS approach
GD Pelegrina, LT Duarte, JMT Romano
Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation: 14th International …, 2018
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Articles 1–20