Chinpei Tang
Chinpei Tang
Robotics Engineer
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Trajectory tracking with collision avoidance for nonholonomic vehicles with acceleration constraints and limited sensing
EJ Rodríguez-Seda, C Tang, MW Spong, DM Stipanović
The International Journal of Robotics Research 33 (12), 1569-1592, 2014
Experimental evaluation of dynamic redundancy resolution in a nonholonomic wheeled mobile manipulator
GD White, RM Bhatt, CP Tang, VN Krovi
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 14 (3), 349-357, 2009
Differential-flatness-based planning and control of a wheeled mobile manipulator—Theory and experiment
CP Tang, PT Miller, VN Krovi, JC Ryu, SK Agrawal
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 16 (4), 768-773, 2010
Formation optimization for a fleet of wheeled mobile robots—A geometric approach
RM Bhatt, CP Tang, VN Krovi
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 57 (1), 102-120, 2009
Screw-theoretic analysis framework for cooperative payload transport by mobile manipulator collectives
CP Tang, RM Bhatt, M Abou-Samah, V Krovi
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 11 (2), 169-178, 2006
Analysis framework for cooperating mobile cable robots
X Zhou, CP Tang, V Krovi
2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3128-3133, 2012
Differential flatness-based kinematic and dynamic control of a differentially driven wheeled mobile robot
CP Tang
2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2267 …, 2009
A kinematically compatible framework for cooperative payload transport by nonholonomic mobile manipulators
M Abou-Samah, CP Tang, RM Bhatt, V Krovi
Autonomous Robots 21, 227-242, 2006
Decentralized kinematic control of payload by a system of mobile manipulators
CP Tang, R Bhatt, V Krovi
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Enhanced trajectory tracking control with active lower bounded stiffness control for cable robot
K Yu, LF Lee, CP Tang, VN Krovi
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 669-674, 2010
Cooperating mobile cable robots: Screw theoretic analysis
X Zhou, CP Tang, V Krovi
Redundancy in Robot Manipulators and Multi-Robot Systems, 109-123, 2013
Manipulability-based configuration evaluation of cooperative payload transport by mobile manipulator collectives
CP Tang, VN Krovi
Robotica 25 (1), 29-42, 2007
Modeling interactions between flexible flapping-wing spars, mechanisms, and drive motors
DB Doman, CP Tang, S Regisford
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 34 (5), 1457-1473, 2011
Continuous reactive-based position-attitude control of quadrotors
A Sanchez, V Parra-Vega, C Tang, F Oliva-Palomo, C Izaguirre-Espinosa
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 4643-4648, 2012
Geometric motion planning and formation optimization for a fleet of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots
R Bhatt, CP Tang, V Krovi
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
A case for scaffolded virtual prototyping tutorial case-studies in engineering education
R Bhatt, CP Tang, LF Lee, V Krovi
International Journal of Engineering Education 25 (1), 84, 2009
Lagrangian dynamic formulation of a four-bar mechanism with minimal coordinates
CP Tang
Accesssed, 2010
Modular and distributed forward dynamic simulation of constrained mechanical systems–A comparative study
WA Khan, CP Tang, VN Krovi
Mechanism and machine theory 42 (5), 558-579, 2007
Automatic drill pipe add and remove system
SC Taylor, RL Hoult, C Tang, T Diekmann
US Patent App. 13/897,708, 2014
Kinematic control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile manipulator: a differential flatness approach
CP Tang, PT Miller, VN Krovi, JC Ryu, SK Agrawal
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 43352, 1117-1124, 2008
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Articles 1–20