Jie (Gail) Xu
Jie (Gail) Xu
School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University
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Cited by
Testing the cation-hydration effect on the crystallization of Ca–Mg–CO3 systems
J Xu, C Yan, F Zhang, H Konishi, H Xu, HH Teng
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (44), 17750-17755, 2013
Outdoor urban nanomaterials: the emergence of a new, integrated, and critical field of study
M Baalousha, Y Yang, ME Vance, BP Colman, S McNeal, J Xu, ...
Science of The Total Environment 557, 740-753, 2016
Calcite dissolution kinetics in view of Gibbs free energy, dislocation density, and pCO2
J Xu, C Fan, HH Teng
Chemical geology 322, 11-18, 2012
Mars Extant Life: What's Next? Conference Report
BL Carrier, DW Beaty, MA Meyer, JG Blank, L Chou, S DasSarma, ...
Astrobiology 20 (6), 785-814, 2020
Reactive oxygen species at the oxide/water interface: formation mechanisms and implications for prebiotic chemistry and the origin of life
J Xu, N Sahai, CM Eggleston, MAA Schoonen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 363, 156-167, 2013
Highly-defective nanocrystals of ZnS formed via dissimilatory bacterial sulfate reduction: A comparative study with their abiogenic analogues
J Xu, M Murayama, CM Roco, H Veeramani, FM Michel, JD Rimstidt, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 180, 1-14, 2016
Highly-defective nanocrystals of ZnS formed via dissimilatory bacterial sulfate reduction: A comparative study with their abiogenic analogues
J Xu, M Murayama, CM Roco, H Veeramani, FM Michel, JD Rimstidt, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 180, 1-14, 2016
Role of oxide surface chemistry and phospholipid phase on adsorption and self-assembly: isotherms and atomic force microscopy
J Xu, MJ Stevens, TA Oleson, JA Last, N Sahai
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (6), 2187-2196, 2009
Evolution of calcite growth morphology in the presence of magnesium: Implications for the dolomite problem
M Hong, J Xu, HH Teng
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 172, 55-64, 2016
Influence of structural defects on biomineralized ZnS nanoparticle dissolution: an in-situ electron microscopy study
JR Eskelsen, J Xu, M Chiu, JW Moon, B Wilkins, DE Graham, B Gu, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (3), 1139-1149, 2018
A critical review of molybdenum sequestration mechanisms under euxinic conditions: Implications for the precision of molybdenum paleoredox proxies
R Phillips, J Xu
Earth-Science Reviews 221, 103799, 2021
Phase, morphology, elemental composition, and formation mechanisms of biogenic and abiogenic Fe-Cu-sulfide nanoparticles: A comparative study on their occurrences under anoxic …
M Mansor, D Berti, MF Hochella Jr, M Murayama, J Xu
American Mineralogist 104 (5), 703-717, 2019
Did mineral surface chemistry and toxicity contribute to evolution of microbial extracellular polymeric substances?
J Xu, JM Campbell, N Zhang, WJ Hickey, N Sahai
Astrobiology 12 (8), 785-798, 2012
Cytotoxicity of TiO 2 nanoparticles toward Escherichia coli in an aquatic environment: effects of nanoparticle structural oxygen deficiency and aqueous salinity
Y Qin, X Guo, F Tou, H Pan, J Feng, J Xu, B Chen, M Liu, Y Yang
Environmental Science: Nano 4 (5), 1178-1188, 2017
Benefits at the Nanoscale: A Review of Nanoparticle‐Enabled Processes Favoring Microbial Growth and Functionality
M Mansor, J Xu
Environmental Microbiology 22 (9), 3633-3649, 2020
Nanoparticulate nickel-hosting phases in sulfidic environments: Effects of ferrous iron and bacterial presence on mineral formation mechanism and solid-phase nickel distribution
M Mansor, C Winkler, MF Hochella Jr, JIE XU
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 151, 2019
Insights into the Biogeochemical Cycling of Cobalt: Precipitation and Transformation of Cobalt Sulfide Nanoparticles under Low-Temperature Aqueous Conditions
M Mansor, E Cantando, Y Wang, JA Hernandez-Viezcas, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (9), 5598-5607, 2020
Efficacy of acetate-amended biostimulation for uranium sequestration: Combined analysis of sediment/groundwater geochemistry and bacterial community structure
J Xu, H Veeramani, NP Qafoku, G Singh, MV Riquelme, A Pruden, ...
Applied geochemistry 78, 172-185, 2017
Bioleaching of Lizardite by Magnesium-and Nickel-Resistant Fungal Isolate from Serpentinite Soils—Implication for Carbon Capture and Storage
Z Li, J Xu, HH Teng, L Liu, J Chen, Y Chen, L Zhao, J Ji
Geomicrobiology Journal 32 (2), 181-192, 2015
Solution-chemistry control of Mg2+-calcite interaction mechanisms: Implication for biomineralization
J Xu, J Wang, M Hong, HH Teng
American Mineralogist 101 (5), 1104-1112, 2016
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Articles 1–20