Zhengzhi Wang
Zhengzhi Wang
Professor of Solid Mechanics, Wuhan University
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Cited by
Slanted functional gradient micropillars for optimal bioinspired dry adhesion
Z Wang
ACS nano 12 (2), 1273-1284, 2018
Indentation and scratch behavior of nano-SiO2/polycarbonate composite coating at the micro/nano-scale
ZZ Wang, P Gu, Z Zhang
Wear 269 (1-2), 21-25, 2010
Hybrid magnetic micropillar arrays for programmable actuation
Z Wang, K Wang, D Liang, L Yan, K Ni, H Huang, B Li, Z Guo, J Wang, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (25), 2001879, 2020
Investigating the softening of weak interlayers during landslides using nanoindentation experiments and simulations
J Xu, X Tang, Z Wang, Y Feng, K Bian
Engineering geology 277, 105801, 2020
Correlation between polymerization shrinkage stress and C-factor depends upon cavity compliance
Z Wang, MYM Chiang
Dental materials 32 (3), 343-352, 2016
Influence of micro-scale properties on the rate-dependent flexural strength of ultra-high performance concrete containing coarse aggregates (UHPC-CA)
S Li, OM Jensen, Z Wang, Q Yu
Composites Part B: Engineering 227, 109394, 2021
Determining Young's modulus of granite using accurate grain-based modeling with microscale rock mechanical experiments
X Tang, Y Zhang, J Xu, J Rutqvist, M Hu, Z Wang, Q Liu
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 157, 105167, 2022
Molecular ferroelectric‐based flexible sensors exhibiting supersensitivity and multimodal capability for detection
W Li, C Li, G Zhang, L Li, K Huang, X Gong, C Zhang, A Zheng, Y Tang, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (44), 2104107, 2021
Simultaneous measurement of polymerization stress and curing kinetics for photo-polymerized composites with high filler contents
Z Wang, FA Landis, AAM Giuseppetti, S Lin-Gibson, MYM Chiang
Dental Materials 30 (12), 1316-1324, 2014
Organic Persistent RTP Crystals: From Brittle to Flexible by Tunable Self‐Partitioned Molecular Packing
A Huang, Y Fan, K Wang, Z Wang, X Wang, K Chang, Y Gao, M Chen, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (26), 2209166, 2023
System compliance dictates the effect of composite filler content on polymerization shrinkage stress
Z Wang, MYM Chiang
Dental materials 32 (4), 551-560, 2016
Mechanical and tribological behavior of epoxy/silica nanocomposites at the micro/nano scale
ZZ Wang, P Gu, Z Zhang, L Gu, YZ Xu
Tribology Letters 42, 185-191, 2011
Impact of micromechanics on dynamic compressive behavior of ultra-high performance concrete containing limestone powder
W Zhuang, S Li, Z Wang, Z Zhang, Q Yu
Composites Part B: Engineering 243, 110160, 2022
Mapping the mechanical gradient of human dentin-enamel-junction at different intratooth locations
Z Wang, K Wang, W Xu, X Gong, F Zhang
Dental Materials 34 (3), 376-388, 2018
Micro/nano-wear studies on epoxy/silica nanocomposites
Z Wang, P Gu, X Wu, H Zhang, Z Zhang, MYM Chiang
Composites science and technology 79, 49-57, 2013
Core−shell magnetic micropillars for reprogrammable actuation
K Ni, Q Peng, E Gao, K Wang, Q Shao, H Huang, L Xue, Z Wang
ACS Nano 15, 4747-4758, 2021
Polymerization stress evolution of a bulk-fill flowable composite under different compliances
Y Guo, FA Landis, Z Wang, D Bai, L Jiang, MYM Chiang
Dental Materials 32 (4), 578-586, 2016
Thermally induced microcracks in granite and their effect on the macroscale mechanical behavior
JJ Xu, YH Zhang, J Rutqvist, MS Hu, ZZ Wang, XH Tang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 128 (1), e2022JB024920, 2023
Resin viscosity determines the condition for a valid exposure reciprocity law in dental composites
SV Palagummi, T Hong, Z Wang, CK Moon, MYM Chiang
Dental Materials 36 (2), 310-319, 2020
Recent Progress on the Development of Magnetically‐Responsive Micropillars: Actuation, Fabrication, and Applications
K Ni, Z Wang
Advanced Functional Materials 33, 2213350, 2023
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Articles 1–20