Shruti Chandra
Cited by
Cited by
Children teach handwriting to a social robot with different learning competencies
S Chandra, P Dillenbourg, A Paiva
International Journal of Social Robotics 12 (3), 721-748, 2020
Do children perceive whether a robotic peer is learning or not?
S Chandra, R Paradeda, H Yin, P Dillenbourg, R Prada, A Paiva
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2018
Not Only WEIRD but “Uncanny”? A Systematic Review of Diversity in Human–Robot Interaction Research
K Seaborn, G Barbareschi, S Chandra
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2023
Children's peer assessment and self-disclosure in the presence of an educational robot
S Chandra, P Alves-Oliveira, S Lemaignan, P Sequeira, A Paiva, ...
2016 25th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive …, 2016
Can a child feel responsible for another in the presence of a robot in a collaborative learning activity?
S Chandra, P Alves-Oliveira, S Lemaignan, P Sequeira, A Paiva, ...
2015 24th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive …, 2015
Classification of children's handwriting errors for the design of an educational co-writer robotic peer
S Chandra, P Dillenbourg, A Paiva
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 215-225, 2017
Transcending the “Male Code”: Implicit Masculine Biases in NLP Contexts
K Seaborn, S Chandra, T Fabre
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–19, 2023
Affect of robot’s competencies on children’s perception
S Chandra, R Paradeda, H Yin, P Dillenbourg, R Prada, A Paiva
AAMAS'17: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2017
Modeling a bipedal humanoid robot using inverted pendulum towards push recovery
S Chandra, GC Nandi
2012 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing …, 2012
Inclusive hri ii: equity and diversity in design, application, methods, and community
A Tanevska, S Chandra, G Barbareschi, A Eguchi, Z Han, R Korpan, ...
Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2023
Stuttering treatment approaches from the past two decades: comprehensive survey and review
G Gupta, S Chandra, K Dautenhahn, T Loucks
Journal of Student Research 11 (2), 2022
Designing Games for and with Children. Co-design Methodologies for playful activities using AR/VR and Social Agents
JE Muñoz Cardona, S Chandra, A Rios Rincon, LJ Wood, K Dautenhahn
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2021
User evaluation of social robots as a tool in one-to-one instructional settings for students with learning disabilities
N Azizi, S Chandra, M Gray, M Sager, J Fane, K Dautenhahn
International Conference on Social Robotics, 146–159, 2023
An initial investigation into the use of social robots within an existing educational program for students with learning disabilities
N Azizi, S Chandra, M Gray, M Sager, J Fane, K Dautenhahn
2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2022
Opportunities for social robots in the stuttering clinic: A review and proposed scenarios
S Chandra, G Gupta, T Loucks, K Dautenhahn
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 13 (1), 23-44, 2022
Walk the Talk! Exploring (Mis) Alignment of Words and Deeds by Robotic Teammates in a Public Goods Game
F Correia, S Chandra, S Mascarenhas, J Charles-Nicolas, J Gally, ...
2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2019
Developing Learning Scenarios to Foster Children's Handwriting Skills with the Help of Social Robots
S Chandra, P Dillenbourg, A Paiva
Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference …, 2017
Children, robots, and virtual agents: Present and future challenges
E Yadollahi, S Chandra, M Couto, A Lim, A Sandygulova
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2021
Social Robots in the Stuttering Clinic: A Human-Centred Exploration with Speech Language Pathologists
S Chandra, T Loucks, G Chavez Castaneda, K Dautenhahn
International Conference on Social Robotics, 299–313, 2023
Integrating New Instructional Assistive Technology to Support Academic and Behavioural Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities
S Chandra, J Fane, N Azizi, M McKenzie-Gray, M Sager, K Dautenhahn
Journal of Special Education Technology, 01626434251314042, 2025
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Articles 1–20