Theo dơi
Mona Diab
Mona Diab
Professor & Director of Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, ACL Fellow
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Opt: Open pre-trained transformer language models
S Zhang, S Roller, N Goyal, M Artetxe, M Chen, S Chen, C Dewan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.01068, 2022
SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and Crosslingual Focused Evaluation.
D Cer, M Diab, E Agirre, I Lopez-Gazpio, L Specia
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations …, 2017
Semeval-2016 task 1: Semantic textual similarity, monolingual and cross-lingual evaluation
E Agirre, C Banea, D Cer, M Diab, A Gonzalez Agirre, R Mihalcea, ...
SemEval-2016. 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation; 2016 Jun …, 2016
Few-shot learning with multilingual language models
XV Lin, T Mihaylov, M Artetxe, T Wang, S Chen, D Simig, M Ott, N Goyal, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.10668, 2021
Madamira: A fast, comprehensive tool for morphological analysis and disambiguation of arabic.
A Pasha, M Al-Badrashiny, MT Diab, A El Kholy, R Eskander, N Habash, ...
Lrec 14 (2014), 1094-1101, 2014
* SEM 2013 shared task: Semantic textual similarity
E Agirre, D Cer, M Diab, A Gonzalez-Agirre, W Guo
Second joint conference on lexical and computational semantics (* SEM …, 2013
Semeval-2015 task 2: Semantic textual similarity, english, spanish and pilot on interpretability
E Agirre, C Banea, C Cardie, D Cer, M Diab, A Gonzalez-Agirre, W Guo, ...
Proceedings of the 9th international workshop on semantic evaluation …, 2015
Semeval-2014 task 10: Multilingual semantic textual similarity
E Agirre, C Banea, C Cardie, D Cer, M Diab, A Gonzalez-Agirre, W Guo, ...
Proceedings of the 8th international workshop on semantic evaluation …, 2014
SAMAR: Subjectivity and sentiment analysis for Arabic social media
M Abdul-Mageed, M Diab, S Kübler
Computer Speech & Language 28 (1), 20-37, 2014
Automatic tagging of Arabic text: From raw text to base phrase chunks
M Diab, K Hacioglu, D Jurafsky
Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2004: Short papers, 149-152, 2004
FEQA: A question answering evaluation framework for faithfulness assessment in abstractive summarization
E Durmus, H He, M Diab
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.03754, 2020
Subjectivity and sentiment analysis of modern standard Arabic
M Abdul-Mageed, M Diab, M Korayem
Proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2011
An unsupervised method for word sense tagging using parallel corpora
M Diab, P Resnik
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2002
Overview for the first shared task on language identification in code-switched data
T Solorio, E Blair, S Maharjan, S Bethard, M Diab, M Ghoneim, A Hawwari, ...
Proceedings of the first workshop on computational approaches to code …, 2014
AWATIF: A Multi-Genre Corpus for Modern Standard Arabic Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis.
M Abdul-Mageed, MT Diab
LREC 515, 3907-3914, 2012
Second generation AMIRA tools for Arabic processing: Fast and robust tokenization, POS tagging, and base phrase chunking
M Diab
2nd international conference on Arabic language resources and tools 110, 198, 2009
The Bible as a parallel corpus: Annotating the ‘Book of 2000 Tongues’
P Resnik, MB Olsen, M Diab
Computers and the Humanities 33, 129-153, 1999
Conventional orthography for dialectal Arabic.
N Habash, MT Diab, O Rambow
LREC, 711-718, 2012
Arabic morphological tagging, diacritization, and lemmatization using lexeme models and feature ranking
R Roth, O Rambow, N Habash, M Diab, C Rudin
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, short papers, 117-120, 2008
Modeling sentences in the latent space
W Guo, M Diab
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2012
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