Guido Goldoni
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Cited by
Absorption properties of metal–semiconductor hybrid nanoparticles
E Shaviv, O Schubert, M Alves-Santos, G Goldoni, R Di Felice, F Vallee, ...
ACS nano 5 (6), 4712-4719, 2011
Full configuration interaction approach to the few-electron problem in artificial atoms
M Rontani, C Cavazzoni, D Bellucci, G Goldoni
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (12), 2006
Stability, dynamical properties, and melting of a classical bilayer Wigner crystal
G Goldoni, FM Peeters
Physical Review B 53 (8), 4591, 1996
Spectral diffusion and line broadening in single self-assembled GaAs∕ AlGaAs quantum dot photoluminescence
M Abbarchi, F Troiani, C Mastrandrea, G Goldoni, T Kuroda, T Mano, ...
Applied physics letters 93 (16), 2008
Theory of valence-band holes as Luttinger spinors in vertically coupled quantum dots
JI Climente, M Korkusinski, G Goldoni, P Hawrylak
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (11), 115323, 2008
Shape-independent scaling of excitonic confinement in realistic quantum wires
F Rossi, G Goldoni, E Molinari
Physical review letters 78 (18), 3527, 1997
A molecular state of correlated electrons in a quantum dot
S Kalliakos, M Rontani, V Pellegrini, CP Garcķa, A Pinczuk, G Goldoni, ...
Nature Physics 4 (6), 467-471, 2008
Magnetic states in prismatic core multishell nanowires
G Ferrari, G Goldoni, A Bertoni, G Cuoghi, E Molinari
Nano Letters 9 (4), 1631-1635, 2009
High mobility one-and two-dimensional electron systems in nanowire-based quantum heterostructures
S Funk, M Royo, I Zardo, D Rudolph, S Morkötter, B Mayer, J Becker, ...
Nano letters 13 (12), 6189-6196, 2013
Cylindrical two-dimensional electron gas in a transverse magnetic field
G Ferrari, A Bertoni, G Goldoni, E Molinari
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (11), 115326, 2008
Local optical spectroscopy in quantum confined systems: a theoretical description
O Mauritz, G Goldoni, F Rossi, E Molinari
Physical review letters 82 (4), 847, 1999
Phonon-induced electron relaxation in weakly confined single and coupled quantum dots
JI Climente, A Bertoni, G Goldoni, E Molinari
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (3), 035313, 2006
Electron and hole gas in modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs radial heterojunctions
A Bertoni, M Royo, F Mahawish, G Goldoni
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (20), 205323, 2011
Unintentional high-density p-type modulation doping of a GaAs/AlAs core–multishell nanowire
J Jadczak, P Plochocka, A Mitioglu, I Breslavetz, M Royo, A Bertoni, ...
Nano Letters 14 (5), 2807-2814, 2014
Biexciton stability in carbon nanotubes
D Kammerlander, D Prezzi, G Goldoni, E Molinari, U Hohenester
Physical review letters 99 (12), 126806, 2007
Evidence of correlation in spin excitations of few-electron quantum dots
CP Garcķa, V Pellegrini, A Pinczuk, M Rontani, G Goldoni, E Molinari, ...
Physical review letters 95 (26), 266806, 2005
Dielectric functions of semiconductor nanoparticles from the optical absorption spectrum: the case of CdSe and CdS
M Alves-Santos, RD Felice, G Goldoni
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (9), 3776-3780, 2010
Band structure and optical anisotropy in V-shaped and T-shaped semiconductor quantum wires
G Goldoni, F Rossi, E Molinari, A Fasolino
Physical Review B 55 (11), 7110, 1997
Tuning Rashba spin-orbit coupling in homogeneous semiconductor nanowires
P Wójcik, A Bertoni, G Goldoni
Physical Review B 97 (16), 165401, 2018
Strong exciton binding in quantum structures through remote dielectric confinement
G Goldoni, F Rossi, E Molinari
Physical review letters 80 (22), 4995, 1998
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Articles 1–20