Wing-Keung Wong
Wing-Keung Wong
Chair Professor, Department of Finance, Asia University; Adjunct Professor, Lingnan University
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E-purchase intention of Taiwanese consumers: Sustainable mediation of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use
M Moslehpour, VK Pham, WK Wong, İ Bilgiçli
Sustainability 10 (1), 234, 2018
How rewarding is technical analysis? Evidence from Singapore stock market
WK Wong, M Manzur, BK Chew
Applied Financial Economics 13 (7), 543-551, 2003
Stochastic dominance and applications to finance, risk and economics
S Sriboonchita, WK Wong, S Dhompongsa, HT Nguyen
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2009
Enhancement of the applicability of Markowitz's portfolio optimization by utilizing random matrix theory
Z Bai, H Liu, WK Wong
Mathematical Finance: An International Journal of Mathematics, Statistics …, 2009
Tourism development and environmental degradation in the United States: evidence from wavelet-based analysis
SA Raza, A Sharif, WK Wong, MZA Karim
Current Issues in Tourism 20 (16), 1768-1790, 2017
International momentum strategies: A stochastic dominance approach
WM Fong, WK Wong, HH Lean
Journal of Financial Markets 8 (1), 89-109, 2005
The relationship between stock markets of major developed countries and Asian emerging markets
WK Wong, J Penm, RD Terrell, KY Ching
Journal of Applied Mathematics & Decision Sciences 8 (4), 201-218, 2004
What makes GO-JEK go in Indonesia? The influences of social media marketing activities on purchase intention
M Moslehpour, T Ismail, B Purba, WK Wong
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 17 (1), 89-103, 2021
Stochastic dominance and mean–variance measures of profit and loss for business planning and investment
WK Wong
European Journal of Operational Research 182 (2), 829-843, 2007
Financial integration for India stock market, a fractional cointegration approach
WK Wong, A Agarwal, J Du
National University of Singapore Working Paper No. WP0501, 2005
A seasonal discrete grey forecasting model for fashion retailing
M Xia, WK Wong
Knowledge-Based Systems 57, 119-126, 2014
Sustainability of green tourism among international tourists and its influence on the achievement of green environment: Evidence from North Cyprus
S Ibnou-Laaroussi, H Rjoub, WK Wong
Sustainability 12 (14), 5698, 2020
Multivariate linear and nonlinear causality tests
Z Bai, WK Wong, B Zhang
Mathematics and Computers in simulation 81 (1), 5-17, 2010
Organizational climate and work style: The missing links for sustainability of leadership and satisfied employees
M Moslehpour, P Altantsetseg, W Mou, WK Wong
Sustainability 11 (1), 125, 2018
Preferences over location-scale family
WK Wong, C Ma
Economic Theory 37, 119-146, 2008
Time Series Models in Non‐Normal Situations: Symmetric Innovations
ML Tiku, WK Wong, DC Vaughan, G Bian
Journal of Time Series Analysis 21 (5), 571-596, 2000
Sustainability of the moderating role of financial development in the determinants of environmental degradation: evidence from Turkey
H Rjoub, JA Odugbesan, TS Adebayo, WK Wong
Sustainability 13 (4), 1844, 2021
Market efficiency of oil spot and futures: A mean-variance and stochastic dominance approach
HH Lean, M McAleer, WK Wong
Energy Economics 32 (5), 979-986, 2010
Linkage among Urbanization, energy Consumption, economic growth and carbon Emissions. Panel data analysis for China using ARDL model
H Liu, WK Wong, PT Cong, AA Nassani, M Haffar, A Abu-Rumman
Fuel 332, 126122, 2023
Risk and financial management of COVID-19 in business, economics and finance
CL Chang, M McAleer, WK Wong
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 13 (5), 102, 2020
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